Pioneerindo Gourmet International PTSP


PT Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk (d / h PT Putra Sejahtera Pioneerindo), established in 1983 in Jakarta is one of the Company's first generation in Indonesia, which introduced the concept of fast food made from chicken through trademark California Pioneer Chicken, terwaralaba Pioneer Take Out - United States of America. The company has managed to attract the public with quality products and services, and managed to make a dish of fried chicken as a trendsetter in the world of fast food businesses in Indonesia.

After seven years of forging experience and proven in the market share, in 1989 the company escape attempt franchisee becomes a franchisee full brand that produces and markets its own products, namely California Fried Chicken. Business base was strengthened by establishing a franchise and also subsidiaries namely Asia Putra Perdana Indah and PT Mitra hero Pioneerindo to support the full performance of the company with an integrated partnership pattern that is run as a synergy to spur growth that triggered usaha.Sinergi business performance through a partnership This gave rise to an integrated business diversification in the form of a product launch snacks Cal Donat in 1993.

Achieve public confidence is a very important achievement for the growing power company in which the Company continues to be encouraged to continue to maintain stability and kontuinitas effort to cling to the commitment to quality. Seriousness of adding value to the business entity as well as in public services, evidenced by the Company as a public company listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in April 1994.

In the year 1996, a significant step back is done by opening a family restaurant company Sapo Oriental. This is a proof of the seriousness Company in developing themselves and utilize the experience and the introduction of field. Stability of the Company's business does not make a stop learning, while the world arena amid fast-food business development occurred very rapidly. The development of society in an increasingly globalized world community always demands updates and changes. Then in 2001 the Company opened itself to undertake a thorough revitalization. One result is the most important milestone in the history of the Company, namely the change of Company's name to PT Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk. Now, after 24 years of work, oriented to the Company's vision to become a producer of fast food with quality service and the best in Indonesia.  Pioneerindo Gourmet International PTSP


  • To become the number one national fast food restaurant in Indonesia.


  • Creating a trustworthy organization that is beneficial for Stakeholders.
  • To deliver customer satisfaction by providing comfortable outlet network, quality products and friendly services.
  • To promote a positive working environment for employees to grow and thrive. 

Corporate Value :


Integrity, Convenience, Loyalty, Excellence, Affability, Next Level  Pioneerindo Gourmet International PTSP


California Fried Chicken is one of the well-known fast food restaurants under the auspices of PT. Pioneerindo Gourmet International, famous for fried chicken is tasty and crisp. CFC trademark names sometimes confuse the public at large so that the thought of CFCs comes from foreign companies. But in fact, CFC is a pure product from Indonesia who have a sense comparable to the image of the American fried chicken.

CFC and professional equalizes local product quality standards so it can be coupled with a fast-food fried chicken products originating from the United States though. There are four basic concepts that will serve as basis CFC product quality control, ie Discipline, Quality, Service, and Cleanliness. The fourth concept is to be executed by each individual employee in CFC so that consumers can get more service than expected. With the hope that customers will come back to get the quality and the service is good and consistent. PT. Pioneerindo Gourmet International does not compromise the control error will be issued so that each product has a policy of ISO 22000, ISO 9001 and HACCP.

CFC which is the slogan, "Not Just Chicken" really meet the needs of the diverse tastes of Indonesian people. Not only serves savory fried chicken alone but CFC also provides other menus such as the California Burger, Chicken Rice Pepper, Spaghetti Chicken, Chicken Porridge, Zuppa Soup, Spaghetti Fried and Fried Rice. In addition, there are many variations of fried chicken is Chicken Strips, Chicken Kranz, and Chicken Dramz.  Pioneerindo Gourmet International PTSP


(021) 5366 8999


(021) 5366 8999


Telephone : (021) 53662013 / 53668999
Fax : (021) 53662012