PT. Minna Padi Investama Tbk. (Minna Padi) was established on 28 May 1998 as PT. Batavia Artatama Securindo and on 18 February 2004 was renamed as PT. Minna Padi Investama, A company that is engaged in the financial services.
As a member of Indonesia Stock Exchange, Minna Padi holds brokerage and underwriting license issued on 30 Agustus 1999 and 3 April 2000 by the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (now, The Financial Service Authority).
out the years Minna Padi continues to expand its business and decided
to offer its shares to public and was listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
on 09 January 2012 with stock code “PADI”.
In the brokerage
service, Minna Padi also provides trade financing and online trading
facility called "MASTER-ONLINE" for the benefit of its customers who
need instant market information, confidential trading, and quick order
Minna Padi also have Underwriting and Corporate Finance
Division, which provides other financial services adjusted to its
customers needs such as Advisory Service, Retructuring, Merger and
Acquition, Initial Public Offerring, and other Corporate Actions and
Strategic Plan. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
PT Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas Tbk using two Indonesia's best grains rice as company's logo.
Symbolizing growth, nurture, and healthy business expansion, showing how Minna Padi grows with its shareholders and stakeholders.Blue:
Symbolizing professionalism, maturity and sustainability. With financial experts who never stop contributing and dedicating all of their potential for the Company, Minna Padi anticipates the future with confidence.
PT Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas Tbk using two Indonesia's best grains rice as company's logo.
Symbolizing growth, nurture, and healthy business expansion, showing how Minna Padi grows with its shareholders and stakeholders.Blue:
Symbolizing professionalism, maturity and sustainability. With financial experts who never stop contributing and dedicating all of their potential for the Company, Minna Padi anticipates the future with confidence.Vision :
To become the most dynamic and reliable leading securities company by always presenting the best services to excel in Indonesia and International stock markets.
Mission :
- To maintain and develop all company's divisions, such as trading & brokerage, underwriting and corporate finance, and the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance
- To provide financial solutions according to customers' need
- To achive optimum profits, which cater to the interests of shareholders, partners, and other stakeholders
- To maintain and enhance trust in the relations between the business groups and customers
Corporate Value:
Each of the opportunity and risks in the stock market is analyzed carefully before decisions are made.
In conducting its businesses, Minna Padi selects the most competent human resources.
Being part of a vibrant stock market, Minna Padi offers innovative solutions to solve various customers’ problems.
The network development and expansion is the most effective ways to implement the vision and mission of Minna Padi.
Minna Padi always tries to maintain the trust with reliable products and services.
Driven by competent human resources, all business activities are carried out in a very professional manner.
Accuracy is not limited to providing timely information, but also presenting correct analysis in accordance with the current situation happening in the stock market.DEDICATION - DEDIKASI
Minna Padi always dedicates the best potential to help each customer find financial solutions that meet their needs.
The Company maintains its integrity to present best quality of products and services to its clients, shareholders, and stakeholders. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Supporting Professional Institution
Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Partners
Cyber 2 Tower 20th Floor Unit D-E-F
Jalan Hr. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 RT.7 / RW.2, Kuningan, Setiabudi District, South Jakarta City Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12950
Phone: (021) 25539200
Buntario Tigris Darmawa Ng, S.H., S.E., M.H.
Tigris Guesthouse Jl. Flat Stone No. 19 D, E, F
Jakarta 10120
Tel.: (021) 351-2437 / 38/39 Fax .: (021) 351-2442
PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
Kirana Boutique Office
Jl Kirana Avenue Blok F3 No 5 Kelapa Gading - North Jakarta
Jakarta 14250
Tel: 02129745222 Fx: 0212928996
Email: Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Trading & Brokeage
Minna Padi provides Trading and Brokerage service through secondary market, either equity securities or debt securities.
Equity Securities including shares, or the security that entitles the holder to buy the underlying stock (ex. Warrant), or the security that entitle the holder to buy additional shares (ex. Rights). Equity Securities trading can be trade through either our dealer or online system named MASTER ONLINE. We also provide margin trading facility and REPO for our customer subject to Minna Padi criteria. Margin trading facility is financing facility to our customer so that they can leverage their ability to buy the shares with its shares as security.
Debt Securities including bound either corporate bound, government bound, corporate debt securities and Government Debt Securities (Surat Utang Negara)
Beside that we always try our best to give the up to date market
information as well as releasing our research report periodically which
can be access by our customer. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Minna Padi obtained a license in the field of underwriter in 2000 and has experience in underwriting and joint lead underwriters in both stocks and bonds with more than 160 companies.
With the expertise of management with experience in investment banking and capital markets for more than 20 years, we help small, medium and large companies that want to further develop into public companies.
By becoming a public company, the value of the company and shareholders increases. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Corporate finance is an area of finance that deals with sources of funding, the capital structure of corporations, the actions to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, and the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources. The primary goal of corporate finance is to maximize or increase shareholder value.
Included in Corporate Finance are financial advisory activities, mergers and acquisitions and restructuring, provided for customers who need professional consulting services. This service is customized according to each customer's specific needs. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Good Corporate Governance-
In risk management, the Company conducts its activities based on good corporate governance (Good Corporate Governance / GCG) where daily operational activities are always based on written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are tailored to the needs of the Company's business. The Directors routinely hold Directors' Meetings to discuss the Company's business activities, so that they can anticipate any problems faced by the Company. In implementing GCG, the Company always socializes the policies that will be implemented so that the policies can be implemented and implemented appropriately. Every policy and strategic decision determined by the Board of Directors is always consulted first with the Board of Commissioners. The Company has Independent Commissioners and Audit Committee and Internal Audit who are experienced in their respective fields.
Basic Guidelines for Minna Padi Corporate Governance
The Implementation of Minna Padi's Corporate Governance principles is guided by:
- Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies;
- Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam and LK (now Financial Services Authority) No. Kep-334 / BL / 2007 dated September 28, 2007, Attachment to Regulation No. V.A.1 regarding Securities Company Licensing
- Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 33 / POJK.04 / 2014 concerning Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies
- OJK Regulation Number 21 / POJK.04 / 2015 Regarding the Implementation of Guidelines for Public Company Governance.
- Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 20 / POJK.04 / 2016 concerning Licensing of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as Underwriters and Brokers
- Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 55 / SEOJK.04 / 2017 concerning Reports on the Implementation of Governance of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as Underwriters and Brokers 7. Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 57 / POJK.04 / 2017 concerning the Implementation of Governance of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as Underwriters and Brokers Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas
Code of Ethic
Code of Ethics and Culture of the Company is made in the form of Code of Conduct as guidelines and regulations that must be obeyed by all employees, as employee work instructions.
Each of the opportunity and risks in the stock market is analyzed carefully before decisions are made.
In conducting its businesses. Minna Padi selects the most competent human resources.
Being part of a vibrant stock market, Minna Padi offers innovative solutions to solve various customers’ problems
The network development and expansion is the most effective ways to implement the vision and mission of Minna Padi.
Minna Padi always tries to maintain the trust with reliable products and services.
Driven by competent human resources, all business activities are carried out in a very professional manner.
Accuracy is not limited to providing timely information, but also presenting correct analysis in accordance with the current situation happening in the stock market. DEDICATION Minna Padi always dedicates the best potential to help each customer find financial solutions that meet their needs.
Minna Padi always dedicates the best potential to help every customer find financial solution that fit their needs. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Audit Committee
According to Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 55/POJK.04/2015 concerning The formation and implementation guidelines for the employment audit committee, Minna Padi has formed the Independent Audit Committee cooperate with Internal Audit.
The Audit Committee is responsible to give independent professional opinion to the Board of Commisioners and identify matters requiring the Board of Commisioners’ attention such as:
- Monitoring on financial information to be issued by the Company such as financial statements, projections and other financial informations.
- Monitoring the Company’s compliance on rules and regulations on stock market and other regulations related to the Company;
- Monitoring examination conducted by the internal audit.
- Report to the Commissioner on risks the Company may meet and the risk management action by the Directors.
- Monitoring and reporting to the Commissioner on complaints related to the Company.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of documents, data and other Company information.
- The Audit Committee is responsible to the Board of Commissioners.
- The Audit Committee is obliged to report to the Board of Commisioners on every assignments given. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
CSR Activities
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept in which the Company voluntarily contribute something to the community to provide better benefits and is needed by the community.
Some social activities that have been carried out by the Company as attantion and the Company's CSR on society and the environment, as following:
Education programs in the form of free training seminars and related to capital market;
Social and cultural programs, among others;
Assistance to victims of natural disaster;
Help for the celebration of religious events.
The following are some of the activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility in 2018:
Donation for the City Penitentiary Kalabahi City, NTT;
Donations for the Lombok Earthquake;
CSR Donation (Arka Maya Sukma Society);
Donations for the Palu Earthquake;
The Financial Literacy Program in collaboration with the Indonesian Securities Companies Association, held in several cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya;
Donation of Sharia Capital Market Development; Sponsorship for Alor People's Party, TMII;
Charity Golf Tournament sponsorship; Sponsorship Finance Day 2018 Petra; SMAK 1 CUP sponsorship 2018;
Sponsorship - Diamond B ST LOUIS Package;
FUNWALK & Hampers Minna Rice; Christmas Participation with the Capital Market 2018.
All of the above programs are carried out either directly or indirectly by the Company with a total value of Rp 367,088,004. Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
News Market Info
27 October 2014
PT. Minna Padi Investama Tbk. (PADI)
PT Minna Padi Investama Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in provisioning securities brokerage services.
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Equity Tower 11th floor, SCBD lot 9
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Telephone. +62 21 525 5555
Facsimile. +62 21 527 1527
Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI
Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas PADI