PT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk is a
transportation services company that was established on December 8, 2014
and was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the
Republic of Indonesia in Decree No. AHU-0133301.40.80.Tahun 2014 dated
December 19, 2014. Although it was founded in 2014, the new company
started commercial operations in 2015.
PT Batavia Prosperindo Trans is part of
Batavia Group, that started its businesses in Indonesian financial
services industry in early 2000.
Today Batavia Group under the Malacca Trust Pte Ltd as the holding company, has several business units, namely PT Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance, a general insurance company; PT Batavia Prosperindo Sekuritas, a security brokerage; PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen, an asset management company; PT Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk,
a consumer financing company; and PT Malacca Trust Finance, a finance
company focusing on commercial vehicles and heavy equipments.
Batavia Group has nationwide presence,
with more than 50 branches/representative offices in 50 major cities
across Indonesia archipelago. Batavia Prosperindo Trans BPTR
To be a strategic and trusted business partner in the area of transportation service that emphasizes on quality service and customer satisfaction.
To be a strategic and trusted business partner in the area of transportation service that emphasizes on quality service and customer satisfaction.
- Our quality products and services at competitive prices to provide customized solutions to our customers to meet their specific and ever-changing demands.
- Build value for our customers by consistently producing quality service.
- Grow a sustainable business model together with our customers and employees.
- Become an established and reputable company that has long term commitment in transportation business. Batavia Prosperindo Trans BPTR
Corporate Governance Base
Increasing value for shareholders
and other stakeholders has become a management commitment. In order to
survive in the best conditions in the face of a dynamic business
situation, the Company needs to stick to the principles of Good
Corporate Governance (GCG).
For the Company, GCG is inseparable from the basic
principles implemented from time to time which include:
Disclosure is not only in the disclosure of material and relevant information, but also in every process and implementation of decision making. |
Function, implementation of duties and clear responsibilities in each organ in the Company's organizational structure, in order to achieve effective management of the company at the highest level. |
The principles of sound management mean that they remain in the corridor of the prevailing laws and regulations. |
The management of the company is carried out professionally without the influence and pressure of any party. |
Protection of the rights of stakeholders through full attention to aspects of justice and equality, based on agreements and applicable legal provisions. |
Good Corporate Governance Implementation
The implementation of GCG in the
Company begins with maintaining compliance with the prevailing laws and
regulations. The basis for the implementation of GCG that has relevance
to the Company and the business sectors it carries out, among others:
1. | Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (Law No. 22/2009) |
2. | Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (Law No. 40/2007) |
3. | Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Market (Law No. 8/1995) |
4. | Various regulations issued by the Financial Services Authority, BAPEPAM-LK and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. |
The Company's general governance
structure refers to Law No. 40/2007, which is related to internal organs
listed in Article 1 paragraph 4.5 and 6. The Company has
comprehensively possessed those organs consisting of:
1. | General Meeting of Shareholders |
2. | Board of Commissioners |
3. | Directors |
Business activities can
not be separated from the risk factors that accompany and if not managed
properly can hinder the growth of the Company. Risk management is the
Company's commitment as part of good governance and maintaining the
survival of the company. For this reason, the Company has identified
potential main and derivative risks that can hinder business growth. The
risks identified by the Company have been prepared in accordance with
the weight of the impact of each risk on the financial performance,
operational activities and prospects of the Company as well as
investments in the Company's shares starting from the Company's main
risks; which are Risk of Interest Rate Fluctuations, Funding Risk, Car
Market Risk, Risk of not extended contract, Dependency on Qualified
Workers Risk, Risk of Not Effective Unit Management, Information
Technology Risk, Insurance Risk, Risk of Service Limitations, Risk of
Competition, Regulatory Risk of Business Licensing & Economic Risk.
The application of the
violation reporting system is carried out as an effort to mitigate risks
that can cause losses with the aim of obtaining information about
violations of Company Regulations. The violation reporting system can
also be used as a place for holding criticism and suggestions for
periodic evaluation by Management.
The way to report is through a special email address for complaints The use of this e-mail is intended so that all received reports can be identified as correct and can be handled appropriately and correctly.
Throughout 2018, there were no significant complaints or reports regarding ethical violations or irregularities/fraud involving company employees.
The way to report is through a special email address for complaints The use of this e-mail is intended so that all received reports can be identified as correct and can be handled appropriately and correctly.
Throughout 2018, there were no significant complaints or reports regarding ethical violations or irregularities/fraud involving company employees.
Anti Corruption Policy
To avoid any corrupt
practices of forms that may damage the Company’s reputation, therefore
the Company formed a conduct; Anti Corruption Policy to enforce
principles and standard of behavior. In accordance of the company,
corruption can be linked with the environment among others, such as
abuse of authority, opportunities or company’s facility, enrichment on
oneself or another person or group that may harm the company’s finance,
consensus for corruption and so forth. Internal Audit Unit will
regularly monitor and review employee compliance with this Policy,
related procedures and the laws and regulations referenced. Internal
Audit The Company will regularly monitor and review employee compliance
with this Policy, related procedures and the laws and regulations
referenced. The Internal Audit Unit investigates cases / problems in
every aspect and element of activities indicated by fraud and violations
of the code of conduct. Investigative activities aim to reveal the
modus operandi, causes, potential losses, perpetrators and other parties
involved. Internal Audit reports the results of investigations to the
Directors in accordance with their fields to obtain a decision.
Ethics is the basic
basis for the Company, all management and employees in carrying out
their duties and responsibilities, including maintaining integrity and
professionalism at work. The Company uses the Code of Ethics as a
reference in relations with internal and external parties and the
delivery of information to the public. Whereas the value system that
forms the basis of the application of corporate culture is the value of
trusted performance-based, Integrity, creative and innovative, and
presenting a spirit of family in a corporate environment.
The company also has a corporate culture which is derived from the Company's vision and mission. All employees of the Company are expected and understand the vision and mission and make it the basis for every work activity
The company also has a corporate culture which is derived from the Company's vision and mission. All employees of the Company are expected and understand the vision and mission and make it the basis for every work activity
Annual General Meeting
The General Meeting of
Shareholders (GMS) is the highest organ in the Company, then the Board
of Commissioners acts as a company supervisor and advisor, and the Board
of Directors carries out the management and operations of the Company.
In its implementation, the GMS consists of the Annual GMS (AGMS) and the Extraordinary GMS (EGM). The AGMS must be held in a period of no later than 6 (six) months after the financial year ends, while the EGM can be held at any time as needed.
In its implementation, the GMS consists of the Annual GMS (AGMS) and the Extraordinary GMS (EGM). The AGMS must be held in a period of no later than 6 (six) months after the financial year ends, while the EGM can be held at any time as needed.
Supervision of the
management of the Company, in accordance with applicable regulations, is
carried out by the Board of Commissioners. With collective
responsibility, the Board of Commissioners is also tasked with providing
advice to the Board of Directors and ensuring that the Company
continues to implement GCG at all levels of the organization. The Board
of Commissioners is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors
has followed up on audit findings and recommendations of Internal
Audit, External Audit, and the results of supervision of the Financial
Services Authority (OJK).
The management of the
Company in accordance with its objectives and objectives is the
authority and full responsibility of the Directors collectively. As
representatives of the Company both inside and outside the court,
members of the Board of Directors must carry out their duties and
responsibilities in good faith, full of responsibility, and prudence, by
heeding applicable laws. The Board of Directors also has duties and
responsibilities to produce added value for stakeholders and ensure the
sustainability of the Company's business
The Audit Committee is
one of the committees that assists the Board of Commissioners formed
with reference to POJK No.55/2015. The existence of the Audit Committee
in the Company is based on the Decision of the Board of Commissioners of
the Company No. SK-VI/2018/BPT/004 dated June 7, 2018. The term of
office of the Audit Committee members is 5 (five) years and may not be
longer than the term of office of the Board of Commissioners.
The function of the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee is regulated in POJK No. 34/2014,
where the implementation of these functions in the Company is carried
out by the Board of Commissioners.
The Internal Audit Unit
is a work unit that carries out the internal audit function and must be
owned by every public company in accordance with the provisions in POJK
No. 56/2015. For this reason, the Company has formed an Internal Audit
Unit with the Internal Audit Unit based on the Appointment Letter from
the Internal Audit Unit of PT. Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk No.
SKIV/2018/ BPT/002 dated 12 April 2018 concerning Appointment of
Internal Audit Unit.
- Piagam Komite Audit
- Piagam Komite Nominasi Remunerasi
- Piagam Unit Audit Internal Download Batavia Prosperindo Trans BPTR
Gedung BataviaRent
Jl. Lengkong Gudang Timur no 99A - Serpong
Tangerang Selatan 15321
Telp. : +62 21 5319 1717
Fax : +62 21 5319 1918
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