Various improvements were made in overtime to keep growing, as well as WIKA dedication to contribute the development of our nation by providing construction services throughout the country.
The first significant growth was in 1972, when Perusahaan Negara Widjaja Karja was changed to PT Wijaya Karya. WIKA then expanded into a construction contractor by handling various important projects, such as installation of electricity grids at Asahan and the Jatiluhur irrigation project.
A decade later, in 1982, WIKA underwent expansion with the establishment of several new divisions, such as Construction Civil Division, Building Division, Housing Facilities Division, Concrete and Metal Products Division, Industrial Construction Division, Energy Division, and Commerce Division. Many projects being handled at the time, among others the LIPI Building, Bukopin Building, and construction and Irrigation Project. Moreover, with the progressive growth of its subsidiaries in the construction industrial sector, WIKA has transformed into an integrated and synergetic infrastructure company.
WIKA’s personnel expertise in construction industry have pushed the Company to further explore in various business areas by establishing a number of its subsidiaries to become independent as business ventures that specializes in creating their own respective products. In 1997, WIKA establish its first subsidiary company, named PT Wijaya Karya Beton, a reflection of how fast the Concrete Division growing in WIKA at the time.
PT Wijaya Karya Beton's activity at the time, among others, is the rail tracks provision for the Manggarai double-track lane construction in Jakarta, Grati Gas and Steam Power Station (PLTGU) construction and also Barelang cable-stayed bridge in Batam. The establishment of PT Wijaya Karya Realty in the year 2000 as expansion of the Realty Division was follows PT Wijaya Karya Beton steps. Subsequently at the same year, PT Wijaya Karya Intrade was also established as the expansion of the Industrial and Commercial Division.
The more a company expanded, the higher level of public trust to the company’s capablility. These reflect on WIKA’S achievement on committing to Initial Public Offering (IPO) on October 27th, 2007 in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). In that occasion, WIKA release 28,64 percent shares to the public, thereby Indonesian Government hold 68,42 percent shares, and the rest is owned by the public includes WIKA employees through Employee/Management Stock Option Program (E/MSOP), and Employee Stock Allocation (ESA).
In the mean time, expansions of division action to be independent subsidiaries are continuing. WIKA established PT Wijaya Karya Gedung on 2008 as subsidiaries that specialize on high-rise building development business. WIKA also acquired 70,08 percent of PT Catur Insani Pertiwi shares that specialized on mechanical-electrical business, afterward PT Catur Insani Pertiwi’s company name was changed to PT Wijaya Karya Insan Pertiwi. Along with PT Jasa Sarana and RMI[HR1] established PT Wijaya Karya Jabar Power that specialized on Geothermal Power Plant development.
WIKA along with other companies are successfully completed Suramadu Bridge in mid 2009, a prestigious project which connect Java Island and Madura Island. At the present, many people are experience the benefit of the project.
Entering 2010, WIKA face business environment transformation with a grater challenge. For that, WIKA has setting up the brand new Company’s Vision, which is 2020 VISION to be one of the EPC Company and the best Integrated Investment in Southeast Asia. This vision was believed to give directions to all WIKA’s ranks to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainability growth.
Throughout 2012, WIKA was success to complete many power plant projects, such as, 60MW Borang Gas Power Plant, 21MW Rengat Gas Engine Power Plant, 34MW Ambon Diesel Power Plant.
There are more development happened on 2013, such as, established a joint venture PT Prima Terminal Petikemas together with PT Pelindo I (Persero) and PT Hutama Karya (Persero), acquired PT Sarana Karya (Persero) shares was owned by Indonesian Government, established new joint venture, PT WIKA Kobe and PT WIKA Krakatau Beton through WIKA Beton subsidiaries, and had done shares buyback for 6.018.500 shares with the average price Rp. 1.706,77,-. Wijaya Karya WIKA
continuous growth, which PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. (WIKA) has
established for more than fifty years, is a success story that reflects
the towering commitment and hard work of its workforce. Entering the
21st century, WIKA strives to advance its performance in every aspect,
starting from the Management, Human Resources, to more highly structured
innovation and technology.
Vision 2030
Leader in Sutainable Investements & EPC for Better Quality of Life
Mission 2030
- Deliver integrated & sustainable EPC services and products based on excellent Quality, Safety, Health & Environment principles
- Ensure sustainable growth through smart investment portfolio
- Provide integrated area development for a better living to society
- Provide collaborative services beyond stakeholder's expectations
- Establish footprints worldwide through innovative and advanced technology
- Implement learning & innovation culture in order to intensify global competencies
- Enhance local value over leadership practices to build holistic well-being Wijaya Karya WIKA
Therefore, WIKA holds on to the motto “Spirit of Innovation”, and empowers its new Corporate Values based in these principles :
Change, Focus, Fast
Accountable, Respect, Safety Oriented
Commitment, Innovation, Professional Wijaya Karya WIKA
selective market strategy is based on selected market. Currently,
WIKA’s market consists of domestic and overseas market. The strategy for
domestic market is to select projects coming from the Government with
adjusted budget and private companies which offer better profit. While
for overseas market, WIKA focuses on its existing market.
WIKA’s financial strategy is focused on
the optimization of liquidity level. This strategy can be achieved
through Centralized Financial Strategy and Self-Financing Project
Policy. Those strategies are expected to be able to keep company’s
liquidity level.
Operational Excellence refers to three strategies, as follows:
Centralized Procurement,
Continuing Efficiency Program, and
Risk Mitigation.
Centralized Procurement is one of
substantial ways to reduce the costs especially gaining higher income
and efficiency on inventory costs. Efficiency Program is conducted
through continuous improvement efforts in each business process, both
for costs of goods and operational costs. Risk mitigation is conducted
as part of the risk management that aims to negate or reduce the risks
level encountered by the company.
Investment Strategy "The Reinforcement of Forward-Backward Integration"
The investment strategy applied is by
conducting added values and competitive excellence investment. The added
values strategy conducted by making the right investment decision and
is expected to give added values to the company especially in terms of
the return on investment. Competitive excellence strategy is an
investment selection strategy to increase the ability of company's
synergy to give more added values to the customers compare to its
Human Capital Development Based on Competency and Retirement
Human Capital Development Strategy is
started from the organization structure that is adjusted with the
company's development road map and develop the competency of its human
capital to support the Company's growth. The implementation of "more for
more" principles in applying the retirement policy. Wijaya Karya WIKA
WIKA, every employee is considered as human capital. The concept of
human capital adopted by the Company recognizes that the quality of
employees can be improved by investing in them and providing them with
competencies, knowledge, attributes, and abilities, embodied in the
ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value through
providing a suitable development program.
The leadership factor plays the biggest
role in determining the Company’s performance and success. For that
reason, the Company believes that a leader shall be created
intentionally through a series of development programs, trainings or
systematic assignments in WIKA’s Advance Leadership Program that
provides all aspects of hard and soft competency in “Wikapratama
Learning Center” and “Wikasatrian Leadership Center”.
In addition to the good qualities of the
leaders, the best work ethic and values of local wisdom are also
adopted to be applied in the Company’s good governance with the aim to
improve the competitiveness in order to face the global challenge.
“Wikasatrian” is a leadership training
center provided by the Company for soft competency development of its
potential employees. Located in Desa Pasir Angin, Gadog, West Java,
“Wikasatrian leadership center” is founded using the local wisdom in the
form of “wayang”, a traditional Javanese puppet. This leadership
training is provided through experimental learning wherein each
participant can experience and learn about the essence of life and work
values. Each trainee is expected to become virtuous leader who is
strong, able to improve team work, and is capable to deliver excellent
performance. In addition to that, they will give the best contribution
to the Company as well as to Indonesia, as the Company’s major
The Transformational Leadership, a
leadership program arranged by the Company, is under the motto “Proud to
be an Indonesian Leader”. They are expected to become “Manusia WIKA”
who is persistent, adaptable and willing to learn. Each program is
created to generate candidates of leaders so they can give real
contribution to the Company and environment by upholding cultures and
local wisdom in coherence with the development of their hard and soft
competency. The Company also gives reward to employees with good
performances. Wijaya Karya WIKA
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JL. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9-10
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