Hasil gambar untuk SLJ Global tbk

SLJ Global (SULI)

 The Company was incorporated on April 14th, 1980 seeunder the name of PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya. In accordance with its articles of associations the Company is engaged in forestry, industry and mining.

 By virtue of the resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company dated December 18th, 2012, the Company changed its name to PT SLJ Global Tbk and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in the Decree No. AHU- 25591.AH.01.02.Year 2013 dated May 14th, 2013.

 Since the beginning of its establishment, Company specializes in the field of forestry and timber industry by managing 1 (one) IUPHHK-HA (formerly: Forest Concession) with total areasof 132,000 hectaresand a plywood mill with a production capacity of 66,000 m3/year. In line with the development of business, through various corporate actions, among others, merger, acquisition, additional investment and divestment, the Company currently has a plywood factory with installed capacity of 190,000 m3/year and a MDF factory (Medium Density Fiberboard) with an installed capacity of 200,000 m3/ year. The Company and its subsidiaries currently manages six (6) natural forest with total areas of 770,455 hectares, including IUPHHK-HA on behalf of PT Essam Timber and PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya V which are still in the process of extension of licenses from of the Minister of Environment and Forestry. In addition, the other business unitis Power Plant, which is managed by its subsidiary, PT Kalimantan Powerindo (PT.KP) with a total capacity of 22.5 MW.

 In March 1994 the Company made its first public offering of 25,000,000 common shares, to the public and listed all the issued shares of the Company at the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now: Indonesia Stock Exchange).

 Through several Rights Issues, offer of warrants and conversion of debt into equity, the number of shares that have been removed from the portfolio of the Company and listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is currently amounts to 3,986,916,802 shares.

In 2002 PT Astra International Tbk. at that time as the Company majority shareholder (75% shareholding) sold all of its shares to PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera (PT.SGS). PT.SGS is a company which has long been engaged in timber related industries, which before releasing its entire shareownership in the Company, it was recorded to have 24.63% of all shares issued by the Company.

 In November 2016 Mr. Amir Sunarko as the President Director of the Company purchased all shares owned by PT.SGS (24.63%) in the Company through negotiated market mechanism on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. SLJ Global (SULI) History

SLJ Global Profile