Tri Banyan Tirta (ALTO)

Tri Banyan Tirta (ALTO)

 PT Tri Banyan Tirta was founded in 1997. The company's goal is to develop Alto Natural Spring Water as a local product with international standard quality. The company has an ambition to be one of the most influential beverage companies in Indonesia which will be achieved through continuous investment in the products, human resources and the best production facilities. The company's strategy is to commit to the success of increasing and growing key products, improving product quality, continuous innovation, and always meeting customer desires in terms of service. PT Tri Banyan Tirta's factory is located in the village of Babakan Pari, Sukabumi, which is known for its natural springs, tested for its purity and rich in natural mineral content. PT Tri Banyan Tirta is also supported by professional experts from different backgrounds to realize the company's goals in producing high quality products. Tri Banyan Tirta (ALTO) History
Known as a local producer of bottled natural drinking water of the highest quality according to international standards.

To become a producer of bottled water that produces quality products to be enjoyed by various market segments.

ALTO Customer Care - 5300 689