![Bank BJB logo.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/id/thumb/4/41/Bank_BJB_logo.svg/200px-Bank_BJB_logo.svg.png)
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk. (hereinafter referred to as Bank BJB
or Company) was established based on the Government Regulation No. 33
of 1960 on the determination of Dutch owned companies in Indonesia which
are subject to nationalization. One of the Dutch-owned companies in
Bandung, which was N.V Denis (De Eerste Nederlandsche Indische
Shareholding), was subject to this provision and directed to Level I
Region of West Java Local Government. The Bank started its commercial
operations on 20 May 1961.
As a follow up to Government Regulation No. 33 of
1960, Level I Region of West Java Local Government established Bank
Karya Pembangunan with Noezar Notarial Deed No. 152 dated 21 March 1961
and No. 184 dated 13 May 1961 which was then confirmed by Governor
Decree of West Java Province No. 7/ GKDN/BPD/61 dated 20 May 1961 under
the name of PT Bank Karya Pembangunan Daerah Djawa Barat. Based on West
Java Provincial Regulation No. 11/PD/DPRD/72 dated 27 June 1972, the
legal position of PT Bank Karya Pembangunan Daerah Djawa Barat was
changed to PD Bank Karja Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat. The name PD
Bank Karja Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat was then changed to BPD Jabar
according to Local Regulation of West Java Province No. 1/DP-040/PD/1978
dated 27 June 1978. In 1992, in line with Bank Indonesia decree No.
25/84/KEP/DIR dated 2 November 1992, BPD Jabar stated has increased to
become foreign exchange bank. Based on Local Regulation Number 11 of
1995, BPD Jabar had a call name Bank Jabar with new logo.
Based on Level I Region of West Java Local Regulation
No. 22 of 1998 dated 14 December 1998 on Changes of Legal Entity of
Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat from Regional-owned Company (PD) to
Limited Liability Company (PT). The local regulation was further stated
in Deed of Establishment No. 4 dated 8 April 1999 in conjunction with
Deed of Amendment No. 8 dated 15 April 1999, both made before Popy
Kuntari Sutresna, S.H., Notary in Bandung, which was ratified by the
Minister of Justice RI based on Decree No. C2-7310.HT.01.01.TH.99 dated
16 April 1999, registered at the Company Register at Company
Registration Office of Bandung Regency/Municipality with No.
871/BH.10.11/IV/99 dated 24 April 1999, and was announced in State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 39 dated 14 May 1999,
Supplement No. 2811, and the legal entity of Bank Jabar was changed from
Regional-owned Company (PD) to Limited Liability Company (PT).
To meet people’s increasing demand on sharia-based
banking services, in line with BI license No. 2/18/ DPG/DPIP dated 12
April 2000, on 15 April 2000 Bank Jabar became the first BPD in
Indonesia running dual banking system, which were conventional system
and sharia system banking services.
Based on General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) dated
16 April 2001, the authorized capital of Bank Jabar was approved to be
increased to Rp1 trillion. Furthermore, based on resolution of GMS that
was held on 14 April 2004, based on Deed No. 10 dated 14 April 2004, the
authorized capital of Bank Jabar was increased from Rp1 trillion to Rp 2
trillion. In view of the continuous improvement in business prospects,
GMS resolution on 5 April 2006 determined an increase of Bank Jabar
authorized capital from Rp 2 trillion to Rp 4 trillion.
In November 2007, as a follow up of Decree of Bank
Indonesia Governor No. 9/63/kep.gbi/2007 on Changes of Business License
for PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat to become Business License
for PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, the call name Bank Jabar was changed to Bank Jabar Banten.
In connection with sharia banking business
activities, Bank Jabar Banten spin off the sharia business unit into a
sharia bank under the name of PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah. Based on
Deed of Establishment of Limited Liability Company, PT. Bank Jabar
Banten Syariah No. 4 dated 15 January 2010, made before Fathiah Helmi,
S.H., Notary in Jakarta, Bank Jabar Banten had participation of
1.980.000.000 (one billion nine hundred eighty million) shares, which
were 99 % (ninety nine percent) of the total issued and fully paid shares
in the Subsidiary. Bank Jabar Banten Syariah obtained its business
license from Bank Indonesia in accordance with the Decree of Bank
Indonesia Governor No. 12/35/KEP.GBI/2010 dated 30 April 2010 on
Granting Business License of PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah.
In line with the wider expansion of office network,
based on the Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
of PT Bank Pembangunan Jawa Barat dan Banten Number 26 dated 21 April
2010 and in accordance with Bank Indonesia Letter No. 12/78/APBU/Bd
dated 30 June 2010 on Plan to Change Bank Logo and Decree No.
1337/SK/DI(R-PPN)/2010 dated 5 July 2010 on Logo Changes and Call Name
as well as applying Brand Identity Guidelines, on 8 August 2010 the name Bank Jabar Banten was officially changed to bank Bank Pembangunan Jawa Barat dan Banten BJB. Bank Pembangunan Jawa Barat dan Banten (BJB) History
The address of Main Office bank bjb
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk.
bank bjb TowerJL. Naripan No. 12-14
Bandung 40111
Telp. +62-22-4234868
Fax. +62-22-4206099
Bank Pembangunan Jawa Barat dan Banten (BJB)