The journey of PT Mandala Finance Tbk. started on August 13th, 1983. However, in the beginning, the company was established under the name of PT Vidya Cipta Leasing Cooperation. After changing the company’s name several times, the name PT Mandala Multifinance was established in July 21st, 1997 and passed by the Minister of Finance Prescript Number 323/KMK.017/1997.
According to the latest statue, the company strives to run a business in financing the company and financing sector based on Sharia principles. Several business activities are then carried out, which include investment financing, working capital financing, multifunction financing, and other financing activities based on the Financial Service Authority (OJK)’s approval. Particular business activities are also based on Sharia principles following the valid agreements appointed by the Financial Service Authority (OJK), government, and/or National Sharia Council.
On September 6th, 2015, PT Mandala Multifinance was officially registered as a public company with code (MFIN) at Indonesia Stock Exchange. The company registered 24,53% of its stock to strengthen capital structure and enhance the company’s source of funds and working capital. Starting from the early registration to 2017, stock owned by the community reaches 325.000.000 worth of shares or 24,53% in 2018. The company split the stock nominal, which increased the number of shares owned by the community to 650.000.000. This has been registered at Indonesia Exchange Stock.
To answer the community’s needs in Sharia scheme-based financing system, the company established Syaria Business Unit and received National Sharia Council-Indonesia Ulama Council Recommendation Number U-075/DSN-MUI/IV/2006 on April 2006.
In 2015, the company received Sharia Business Unit permission from Financial Services Authority (OJK) on June 9th, 2015 with Number No.KEP-125/NB.223/2015.
The company’s major shareholders have years of experience in the automotive industry, which started as motorcycles main dealer in Lampung and West Java Provinces.
PT Mandala Multifinance commits to maintain and increase the quality
of services to customers and business partners, which is also supported
by directed, integrated, and sustainable human resources management. Not
to mention the availability of proper infrastructure that works well
with today’s business world and many more years to come. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
To be the best financial company that is customer-oriented.
Providing financing facilities quickly and effectively through
improved work processes, information technology and network expansion,
Prioritizing customer and business partner satisfaction, Maintaining
banking credibility and trust. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
PT Mandala Multifinance Tbk. Implement good corporate governance as the Company's main focus to create sustainable business growth. By implementing good governance in every business activity, it’s expected to drive the success of achieving business plans, increase the Company's competitive value and the achievement of the Company's vision and mission. Therefore, the Company always implements good governance while at the same time socializing all of principles to all people of the Company.
The Company always strives to consistently apply the basic principles of GCG in every line of business. Implementation of GCG principles is needed to ensure that business activities are always guided by applicable laws and regulations, business ethics, and best practices. The GCG principles applied by the Company are reflected in the following aspects:
- Transparency Principle
Providing openly accurate, clear and timely information; includes financial statements, annual reports, and other relevant matters.
- Accountability Principle
Ensure that all decisions and actions of the Company can be held publicly accountable
- Liability Principle
Carry out the responsibility by always paying attention to the principle of compliance with applicable law.
- Independence Principle
Running the Company's activities independently, without coercion or pressure from any party
- Equality Principle
Fulfill the rights of stakeholders and behave fairly and equally. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Make Your Dream Come True to Have New Motorcycle
Make Your Dream Come True to Have New Motorcycle
Make your dream come true to have a new motorcycle from various well-known brands with the best service by applying to Mandala Finance Motorcycle Financing Service. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Time to Replace Your Old Furniture
Mandala Finance Electronic & Furniture Financing
bored of your old furniture? Now it’s the right time to replace it by
applying Electronic & Furniture Financing from Mandala Finance! Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Getting Your Dream House Now!
Mandala Finance House Financing Service
It is a good solution to help you buy a new or used house through our financing services. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Solution for Your Business Capital
Mandala Finance Micro Financing Service
Mandala Microfinance is ready to help you develop your business by providing various invoice services that suit your needs. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Buying the Car of Your Dream Has Never Been Easier
Mandala Finance Car Financing
Financing service from Mandala Finance to help you buy the car of your dream. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Corporate Social Responsibilities
In order to accomplish its social functions, the company makes continuous efforts to keep paying attention to the surroundings by running social responsibility activities. It’s also a way of appreciation for all the support that has been given by the community to the company for years. According to the Appendix of Chairperson of Bapepam-LK’s Decision Number Kep 431/BL/2012 on August 1st, 2012, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) shall be in accordance with these aspects:
- Environment
- Work, Health, and Safety
- Community and Social Development
- Responsibility to Customers
With a strong commitment and active contributions, the CSR implementation is carried out through various social activities. This will create mutual benefits for the community, including customers and the company’s employees. The company’s commitment is based on these aspects:
- Global demands related to CSR implementation.
- CSR is a part of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
- Increasing public attention to ethics and business accountability.
- Harmonious growth between the company and its surroundings.
The implementation of CSR activities is the main foundation in realizing harmonious growth between the company and its surroundings. Throughout 2018, the total funds spent on CSR activities was IDR2,160 million. The detailed activities include Donation for Foster Children, Charity, Support Funds for the Orphanages, School Renovation, and Donation for Natural Disaster.
For seven years, the company also holds a foster children program. Not only focusing on the excelled students in elementary school and junior high school, but the company also provides assistance distribution to high school students. Furthermore, the company also distributed assistances for school renovation to Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyaj Awwaliyah (Bogor, West Java), SDN 15 Kendari (Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi), TK Soya Ambon (Maluku), and sanitary room construction in Palopo (South Sulawesi).
In addition to that, the company regular administers charity activities. These activities are aimed to ease the burden of the people in need. The company also distributes aid funds to several orphanages and organizes blood donation programs throughout the company service offices.
On the other hand, we feel responsible to provide assistance to the victims of natural disasters. Besides material assistance, the company also provides moral support to victims of natural disasters in Indonesia. We realize how the community’s contribution plays a big role in developing and maintaining business continuity. The natural disaster assistance was provided to the earthquake victims in Palu and its surrounding.
We will continue to develop and evaluate our CSR programs in the following years. It is expected that our CSR activities will run more effectively and be able to reach more people. Through our CSR programs, we hope we will be able to provide maximum benefits to the community in the future. Mandala Multifinance MFIN
Head Office
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 24 A-B
Jakarta Pusat 10340, Indonesia
Mandala Multifinance MFIN