Starting with the existence of PAKTO 27/1988, namely with the ease of establishing a new bank, it was anticipated by holding a "Coordination Meeting" between the Ministry of Defense and Security, Perum ASABRI, Pepabri and Developers on December 1, 1988, given the funds owned by the Ministry of Defense and Security in particular , and the KPR project at that time was considered quite potential, whereas on the other hand the number of partners within the Department of Defense / Armed Forces was estimated to be very helpful if a new Bank establishment could be realized. Subsequently on January 9, 1989 a proposal was made to form a bank to the Minister of Defense and Security, and in principle the Minister of Defense agreed to develop and conduct further explorations. The proposal was followed up with a meeting and discussion with Menpera, Managing Director of Government Commercial Banks and Managing Director of National Private Commercial Banks.
From the results of the meeting between Menpera, Managing Director of the Government Commercial Bank and Managing Director of the National Private Commercial Bank, a Minister of Defense and Defense Number: Sprin / 146 / I / 1989 was issued on January 28, 1989, which instructed the President Director of ASABRI - Mayjen TNI Tjok P. Swastika and Chairperson of the KPR Project of the Ministry of Defense and Defense - Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Sarwono Widyo Hoetomo, to compile a Feasibility Study on the establishment of the Bank, with the main objective of improving the welfare of ASABRI Soldiers and Civil Servants in the Ministry of Defense / Armed Forces.
In preparation for the planning for the establishment of the Banking Business Entity, in February 1989 several meetings were held with the LPPI Management Consultant, Managing Director of Perum ASABRI cq. The Director of Engineering and Director General of Domestic Monetary, as a conclusion that in the context of preparing the establishment of the Bank, the LPPI Management Consultant used was assigned to conduct a Feasibility study and to collaborate with Bank Niaga.
After going through several stages of preparation for the establishment of the Ministry of Defense and Security, starting with the preparation for the application for approval in principle for the establishment of the Bank, licensing, funding, procurement of personnel and all other evaluators, as well as after the holding of the first General Meeting of Shareholders on July 26, 1989, bearing in mind the August 14 1989 has received the Principle Approval for Establishing a Commercial Bank from the Minister of Finance Number: S-982 / MK.13 / 1989 on August 14, 1989, and on September 1, 1989 received a recommendation letter from Bank Indonesia with number: 22/530 / UUPS / PSbD regarding Preparations for the Establishment of a Commercial Bank PT. Bank Yudha Bhakti which refers to the letter of the Minister of Finance Number: S-982 / MK.13 / 1989 dated August 14, 1989 concerning Approval in Principle of Establishment of a Commercial Bank PT. Bank Yudha Bhakti in Jakarta, on September 14, 1989 the Second General Shareholders' Meeting was held again, which resulted in important decisions including: Adding another Cooperative Center as Founder / Shareholder, namely the DEPHANKAM PUSKOP and the endorsement of the Bank's "LOGO".
On October 23, 1989 obtained a Letter of Recommendation from the Minister of Cooperatives with Number: 266 / M / X / 1989, which gave permission to INKOPAD, INKOPAL, INKOPAU, INKOPPOL, INKOPPABRI, PUSKOP MABES TNI, and PUSKOP DEPHANKAM to establish the Bank and since 9th January 1990 Bank Yudha Bhakti starts operations.
Since entering the Indonesian banking industry until mid-1997, when the monetary economic crisis began to hit Indonesia and was felt by all industrial sectors, the banking industry also experienced a significant impact. This is marked by the liquidation of several national private banks. But the monetary crisis did not have a significant effect on the Bank, even the Bank could capture positive opportunities in the presence of the crisis. In fact, during the crisis period, the Bank was able to be classified as a "A" bank, so there was no need for rescue efforts with recap bonds from the government. Starting in 2001 the Bank was able to expand on an ongoing basis with the opening of Branch Offices and Sub-Branch Offices in Java and Sumatra.
In terms of capital, banks which were originally only owned by the Cooperative Parent and Cooperative Centers within the TNI / POLRI and the Ministry of Defense and Security, due to the need to strengthen capital, the influx of private investors is inevitable. The Bank also continues to gradually fertilize capital both organically and fresh money in order to meet the capital requirements required by Bank Indonesia.
Furthermore, the development and dynamics of capital requirements eventually led the Bank to change its status to a public company by the entry of new investors from the public through an effective Initial Public Offering (IPO) process since the initial listing of its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on January 13, 2015. The Bank also re-added capital by making a Limited Public Offering I ("PUT I") to the Shareholders by giving Pre-emptive Rights in Semester I of 2016. Up to Semester I of 2016 the Bank has an authorized capital of Rp. 1,500,000,000,000 (one trillion five hundred billion rupiah) which had been placed and fully paid by the shareholders in the amount of Rp. 402,425,600,000, - in which PT Gozco Capital and PT Asabri (Persero) are shareholders with ownership of more than 5% (five percent).
Along with advances in Information Technology, the Bank continues to make improvements to the technology infrastructure that brings business closer to the needs of customers. Another thing that management does is always to improve the work culture (corporate culture) based on capabilities and needs so that it can have a positive impact on the Bank's performance optimally.
The increase in issued / paid-up capital of the Company as a result of the implementation of Capital Increase without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) of 469,951,963 (four hundred sixty nine million nine hundred fifty one thousand nine hundred sixty three Rupiah), all of which was taken part by PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. The results of the implementation of Capital Increase without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) were announced on the Indonesia Stock Exchange website and the Issuer's website (website) on March 26, 2019.
In the middle of 2019 the Company will effectively carry out corporation action on LPO II. The increase in the issued / paid up capital of the Company as a result of the implementation of a limited public offering II to shareholders with preemptive rights (LPO II) of 499,603,954 (four hundred nine recovered nine million six hundred three thousand nine hundred fifty four Rupiah) .
As a strategy to face future challenges, since 2019 the Company
together with PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia (Akulaku) as one of the
shareholders is preparing to develop business and transform towards
digital banking.
This is also a form of the Company's readiness to
face the challenges of the financial industry in the future, which will
be more dominated by digital transactions.
At present, the top three majority shareholders in PT Bank Yudha Bhakti, namely: PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia with shares ownership of 24.08%, PT Gozco Capital with 21.76%, and PT ASABRI (Persero) with 20.13% Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
Becoming a solid retail bank, to grow and develop in a sustainable.
Being able to create an optimal value for shareholders and stakeholders in general. Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility (hereinafter abbreviated CSR) for the Bank Yudha Bhakti is a concept that the Bank had some form of responsibility to all stakeholders, which include consumer / customers, employees, shareholders, and the environment in all aspects of Bank operations which includes economic, social and environmental. Generally, CSR is responsibilty’s company for community beyond its economic responsibility.
Other than that, the company has commitment to carry out Good Corporate Governance (GCG) through CSR implementation as a company concern in social and environmental scope and sustainable participation.
In the implementation of CSR, the Company continuously strives to implement several things including sustainability, whereby the Company will strive to consistently design CSR programs that have a sustainable impact, in addition the Company also strives that the designed CSR program is a long-term program, whereby it should be realized that a business can grow because of the support of the social atmosphere of the surrounding environment, so the CSR program is a program that is done as a form of maintenance of good relations with the community. Therefore, the CSR program of the Company is expected to have a positive impact on the community, both economically, environmentally and socially.
In running the business the company is not always put business interests alone. Bank Yudha Bhakti very aware that there are other responsibilities that must be implemented as a business entity which is also a part of the community. Responsibility is to improve the quality of people and the environment. To that end, each year the Bank Yudha Bhakti always organizes various CSR programs on a regular basis as a form of concern for the quality of people’s lives.
Bank Yudha Bhakti CSR program is intended to support the establishment of a harmonious and balanced relationship between the company and the community, in accordance with the values, norms and culture. As a company that interact with the public, the company gives more value to the community as stakeholders. To that end, companies incorporate CSR program as part of the company’s business processes.
The provisions about CSR are arranged by Directors’ Decree No. SKEP/154A/SET/BYB/IX/2016 dated on September 22, 2016 about performance guidelines of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT Bank Yudha Bakti, Tbk. Refer to Directors’ decision is expected that CSR program can be carried out well and as a realization of company commitment of continuous CSR program.
CSR programs which are held by company are the activities which are carried out with routine or intidential, such as:
- Visits and regular allowances to orphaned homes;
- Visits and regular allowances to the nursing home;
- Mass treatment for disadvantaged communities, particularly in the vicinity of the Company's office network;
- Mass circumcision for children from disadvantaged families, especially in the vicinity of the Company's office network;
- Renovation house, especially for retired house of TNI, POLRI and / or PNS selected;
- The distribution of basic foods for retired TNI, POLRI and / or selected civil servants;
- Implementation of blood donor by the management and employees of the Company;
- Implementation of financial literacy education to the consumers and public;
- Provision of health services in several branches and sub-branches for the retired of TNI, POLRI or PNS;
- Provision of health services for employees of the Company who located in the Headquarters;
- Organizing training and education for all employees both inhouse training and by involving outside teachers;
- Submission of donations of animal Qur'ban to mosques around the environment of the Company;
- Submission of donations for natural disaster victim;
The realization of CSR program until December 2016 with a total value of Rp. 660.261.955,- (six hundred sixty million two hundred and sixty one thousand nine hundred fifty five rupiah), with carrying out activitivies for instance the distribution of animal Qurban to some mosques and cooperatives of TNI/POLRI to welcome Idul Adha 1437 H, annual social service to the 10 orphanages in Jakarta area and its surrounding, implementation of renovation house for 5 retired of TNI/POLRI or PNS who were chosen based on some criteria, distribution of Lebaran packages to the clients and retired of TNI/POLRI or PNS which were channeled through company’s office network, implementation of education and training for employee, implementation of financial literacy education for member of POLRI, and implementation the health services for employee and retired of TNI/POLRI or PNS who were registered in the Headquarters and another company’s office network.
The programs and activities of CSR which are held by company are a realization and commitment of company in sustainable principle, as well as how the company can be solution giver in a public environment. Besides, the company can also give the contribution to the improvement of living standard and society welfare generally and the retired especially, also to increase the society understanding of financial literacy. So that, it is expected for stkeholders can feel the benefits of CSR program and implementation as success indicator CSR program itself. Therefore, the company will always keep its commitment in the coming year while still improving and being prioritized to the stakeholders’ interests more broadly through another CSR program. Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
Time Deposit
You want to invest funds in a safe and reliable and profitable place. Deposit Rupiah is the answer, because it is the right deposit products. Reliable and have competitive interest rates so your investment can quickly grow.
Time Deposits are deposits of third parties to the disbursed Bank in accordance with the terms agreed between the Customer and the Bank and may be opened by an Individual Customer, a Business Entity and other entities.
- Fill out and sign the application of “Aplikasi Pembukaan Deposito Berjangka”
- Indonesian Citizen
- Submit a Copy of NPWP, KTP/KITAS/PASPOR
- Minimum value of fund placement is Rp. 1.000.000
- Stamp fee for Deposit opening and disbursement accordance with the provisions applicable
- Interest is taxable accordance with the provisions applicable.
- Fill out and sign the application of “Aplikasi Pembukaan Deposito Berjangka”
- Submit a copy of identity (KTP/KITAS/PASPOR) of authorized officer
- Submit a copy of NPWP
- Submit a copy of company’s deed incorporation and last articles of Association and its change
- Stamp fee for Deposit opening and disbursement accordance with the provisions applicable
- Minimum value of fund placement is Rp5.000.000
- Interest is taxable accordance with the provisions applicable.
- Safe and reliable money saving means.
- Attractive interest rate and competitive.
- Safer than saving cash
- The choice of timeframe can be selected from 1, 3, 6, or 12 months, in which the funds saved should not be cashed before maturity.
- Bilyet with on behalf of protecting the Customer from possible misuse by other party.
- Can be used as collateral for credit.
- If there is a loss on Bilyet Time Deposits, upon the notification of Depositors, the Bank may immediately freeze the Deposit and replace the lost Time Deposit Certificate by enclosing the missing letter from the authorities.
- Guaranteed by Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
Deposit On Call
In order your fund in a matter of days can be productive, save your fund in our product it is Deposit on Call / Daily deposit, so Bank Yudha Bakti will give attractive interest rates for your fund.
- Fill out and sign the application of “Aplikasi Pembukaan Deposit On Call”
- Indonesian Citizen
- Submit an identity of KTP/KITAS/PASPOR
- Submit a copy of NPWP
- Minimum value of fund placement is Rp500.000.000 (five hundred billion)
- Stamp fee for Deposit opening and disbursement accordance with the provisions applicable.
- Interest is taxable accordance with the provisions applicable.
- Fill out and sign the application of “Aplikasi Pembukaan Deposit On Call”-
- Submit a copy of identity (KTP/KITAS/PASPOR) of authorized officer
- Submit a copy of company’s deed incorporation and last articles of Association and its change
- Submit a copy of NPWP
- Minimum value of fund placement is Rp500.000.000 (five hundred billion)
- Stamp fee for Deposit opening and disbursement accordance with the provisions applicable
- Interest is taxable accordance with the provisions applicable
Benefit / Profit
- Safe and reliable money saving means.
- Attractive interest rate and competitive.
- Safer than saving cash.
- Less than a month.
- Bilyet with on behalf of protecting the Customer from possible misuse by other party.
- Can be used as collateral for credit.
- If there is a loss on Bilyet Deposit on Call, upon notification of Depositors, the Bank may immediately freeze the deposit and replace the lost Deposit on Call by attaching the missing certificate from the authorities.
- Guaranteed by Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) Bank Yudha Bhakti
Current Account
Current Account are deposit product in rupiah which has a high degree of flexibility so can be withdrawn anytime during business hours by check, transfer form of Bank Yudha Bakti, or other legitimate forms of payment order.
Current Account can be used both individual and business entities (PT, Yayasan, FA and CV)
- Fill out and sign the GIRO Account Opening Request Form
- Approve and Sign on Stamp "Terms and Conditions of GIRO Account"
- Provide the Remark about the Fund Source and the Purpose of Fund Use
- Include Power of Attorney and Statement Letter if Required
- 17 Years Up or Married
- Submit a Copy of Identity (KTP / KITAS / PASPOR)
- Submit a copy of NPWP
- Letters of Reference
- Not included in National Black List Indonesia (DHNI)
- Initial deposit Rp. 1. 000.000 (one billion rupiah)
- Fill out and sign the GIRO Account Opening Request Form
- Approve and sign on Stamp "Terms and Conditions of GIRO Account"
- Provide the Remark about the Fund Source and the Purpose of Fund Use
- Include Power of Attorney and Statement Letter if Required
- Submit a Copy of Identity (KTP/KITAS/PASPOR) of Authorized Officer
- Submit a Copy of Company’s Deed Incorporation and Last Articles of Association and Its Change
- Submit a Copy of NPWP
- Submit Letter of Appointment of Officials to be Associated with the Bank
- Example of Company Seal / Stamp
- Letters of Reference
- Not Included in National Black List Indonesia (DHNI)
- Initial Deposit Rp. 1.000.000,- (one billion rupiah)
- Safe and Reliable Money Saving Means
- Deposits and Withdrawals Can Be Conducted Throughout Bank Yudha Bhakti Branch
- Can Know the Balance At Any Time
- Supporting Business Activities In Conducting Payment Transactions and Receipts
- Facilitate the Need for Family / Private / Business Transactions
- Providing Convenience in Transaction
- Obtain a Progressive and Competitive Giro Service
- Can Improve Your Prestige
- Guaranteed By Government (LPS) Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
SAVINGS are deposits in the form of rupiahs that the withdrawal may only be made under certain conditions agreed upon, but can not be withdrawn by Checks, Bilyet Giro, and or other equivalent equipment.
Yudha Bhakti Bank Deposit is only for individual customer but not possible for Corporate / Business Entity Customer and managed in Rupiah currency.
- 17 Years UP or Married
- Fill Out the Application Form
- Submit a Copy of Identity (KTP/KITAS/PASPOR)
- Submit a Copy of NPWP (For the Owner)
- Initial Deposit Rp. 50.000,- (Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
- Safe and Reliable Money Saving Means
- Deposits and Withdrawals Can Be Conducted Throughout Bank Yudha Bhakti Branch
- Can Know the Balance At Any Time
- Supporting Business Activities in Conducting Payment Transactions and Receipts
- Facilitate the Need for Family / Private / Business Transactions
- Providing Convenience in Transaction
- Get competitive interest
- Can Be Used As Credit Guarantee
- Guaranteed by Government (LPS) Bank Yudha Bhakti BBYB
