Name of PT. Ramayana Insurance began to be used after the name change was made with Deed of Muhani Salim, SH No. Notary No. 95 and ratified by Decree of the Minister of Justice No. C.2.5040-HT01.04.TH 86 dated July 19, 1986.
In 1990 the Company obtained a Share Issuance Permit from Bapepam No. SI-078 / SHM / MK.01 / 1990 dated January 30, 1990 to carry out a public offering of shares of 2 (two) million shares to the public.
In the same year, the Company obtained approval from Bapepam No. 1638 / PM / 1990 dated 19 September 1990, to partially list their shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange by 1 (one) million shares with a nominal value of Rp 1,000 per share.
On December 8, 2000, the Company listed all of its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange.
On December 10, 2001, the Company signed an Agreement on the Registration of Equity Securities in the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) No. SP-108 / PE / KSEI / 2001 dated 10 December 2001 to convert shares into electronic records (scriptless trading). Therefore, as of February 20, 2002, trading of company shares that occurred on the Stock Exchange will be settled by using the C-BEST (The Central Depository and Book entry Settlement System) service or by way of book-entry in the KSEI system.
On October 5, 2005 at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders the shareholders agreed to open a Sharia Branch Office in response to the growing demand for sharia-based insurance services.
The company has 28 Branch Offices / Units and 7 Representatives with 600 employees. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Create a sense of security, comfort and protection
Build a strong and trusted company by:
- Provide quality services to the insured.
- Ensuring optimal results for Shareholders.
- Meet the rules and regulations related to the company's business.
- Build mutually beneficial relationships with business partners.
- Creating work interactions that support each other and a conducive work environment.
- Ensuring employee welfare Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Every year the Company has budgeted the cost of education and training to increase employee competence in their duties at a minimum of 5% of employee costs
Education and training conducted include workshops, in-house training, sending employees to attend courses, and seminars on insurance, management, marketing, finance, accounting, taxation, law, and other fields relevant to the Company's business both in inside and outside the country.
The number of experts in their respective assignments is 4 (four) people with the title of Indonesian Insurance Expert - Loss (AAIK); 4 (four) people holding a Certified Islamic Insurance Specialist (CIIS); 35 (thirty-five) people holding the Indonesian Insurance Expert Association - Losses (AAAIK); 4 (four) candidates for Indonesian Insurance Expert - Losses (AAIK); 48 (forty eight) candidates for the Indonesian Insurance Expert Association - Losses (AAAIK); and 6 (six) accountants registered. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Is this insurance product?
In general, this type of insurance provides compensation for the potential financial loss of the Insured due to damage or loss of the insured object as a result of the hazards guaranteed by insurance policies included in property insurance.
Property insurance products include: Property All Risk (PAR), All Risk Industries (IAR), Fire Insurance and Home Stoprisk
What is the object of this insurance coverage?
Objects that can be insured in this insurance are: buildings, residences, offices, factories & industries, stock, machinery, hotels, hospitals and other assets.
Who needs this product?
Any private, government or individual business entity that has an interest in the insured object includes: the owner, the lessee, the lender & the bank.
How is the premium calculated?
Premiums are calculated based on multiplication between the value of the insured object and the premium rate determined by taking into account, among others: the use of the object of coverage, the period of coverage, the construction of the building, and other factors.
What is the process for filing a claim?
In the event of a claim, the Insured can take the following steps:
Contact the Office of PT. The nearest Ramayana Tbk insurance by telephone
Claim reporting no more than 3 x 24 hours since the claim occurred. Furthermore, our claim officer will assist the process of this claim.
Where is the next information?
For further information, please contact PT. Ramayana Insurance Tbk closest in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 31937148 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Fire insurance
This policy guarantees loss or damage to property and or insured interests due to the risk of fire standards.
Area of Guarantee
Cover for risks that are directly caused by the risks of fire, lightning, explosion, airplane crash and smoke originating from the fire of assets insured in the policy.
Expansion Guarantee
With additional premiums, the insurance coverage in the Fire Insurance policy can also be extended to risks:
- Losses caused by Riots, Strikes, Obstruction of Work, Evil Actions, Riots, Prevention in connection with these risks and Looting that occurs during Riots or Riots.
- Loss or damage to property and or insured interests that are directly caused by the earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire and explosion that followed the earthquake and or volcanic eruption and tsunami.
- Typhoons, Hurricanes, Floods and Water Damage
- Terrorism and Sabotage.
Special Characteristics
Fire insurance can be followed by a business interruption (Loss of Profit) guarantee as section II of the material damage policy. Business Interruption can only be granted if the Material Damage policy for its property is also covered, because the BI policy must follow its property policy. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
PAR / IAR is the most popular type of insurance compared to other types of insurance, because it guarantees almost all the risks of loss except the risks listed in the exception.
Property All Risks (PAR) / Industrial All Risk (IAR) Insurance Cover including:
- Guarantees for Riots, Strikes, Evil and Riot Acts
- Collateral for Hurricanes, Storms, Floods and Water Damage
- Guarantees for Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and Tsunamis
- Collateral for Landslides and Soil Movements
- War, terrorism, nuclear and radioactive
- Delay, loss of market share or business interruption
- Intentional, dishonesty of employees
- Mechanical and boiler damage
- Wear, corrosion, the nature of the goods themselves
- Pollution or contamination
Property that is not guaranteed
- Property that is being worked on or is being built
- Property in transportation, motor vehicles, ships, airplanes
- Jewelry, precious stones, works of art
- Trees, plants, animals, birds, fish
- Land, roads, rails, rigs, bridge pipes
Additional benefits
- All Other Contents (Fill or other equipment)
- Average Relief (85%) - Coverage below the price
- Architects, Surveyors and Consulting Engineers (Architect, Survey and Consultant Fees)
- Capital addition (10% of TSI) - Additional capital
- Civil Authorities
- Claims Preparation (Claims Handling Fee)
- Fire Brigades Charges (Fire Fighting Cost)
- Fire Extinguishing Costs
- Impact by own vehicle (Collision by own vehicle)
- Internal Removal
- Outbuilding (Additional buildings)
- Public Authorities
- Removal of Debris (Debris removal fee)
- Reinstatement value (recovery costs)
- Temporary Removal Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
In general, this type of insurance provides compensation for damage due to accident or loss due to theft of the insured vehicle in accordance with the guarantee in the vehicle insurance policy. Vehicle insurance products include, among others: Motor Vehicle Insurance, Oto Stoprisk and Heavy Equipment Insurance.
What is the object of this insurance coverage?
Broadly speaking, the types of motor vehicles that can be insured, include: Sedans, Jeeps, Wagons, Double Cabin, Minibuses, Pick Ups and Buses, which are used as private vehicles, official and commercial vehicles. As for heavy equipment, among others: Bulldozers, Excavators, Grapple Loaders, Dump Trucks, Forklifts, Road Rollers, Crawler Cranes, Wheal Loaders, and others.
Who needs this product?
Any private, government or individual business entity that has an interest in the insured object includes: the owner, the lessee, the lender & the bank.
How is the premium calculated?
The premium is calculated based on the multiplication between the value of the insured object (including the accessories) and the premium rate determined by taking into account, among others: vehicle age, vehicle use, the period of coverage and other factors.
What is the process for filing a claim?
In the event of a claim, the Insured can take the following steps:
Contact the Office of PT. The nearest Ramayana Tbk insurance by telephone
Claim reporting no more than 3 x 24 hours since the claim occurred. Furthermore, our claim officer will assist the process of this claim.
Where is the next information?
For further information, please contact PT. Ramayana Insurance Tbk closest in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 3193714 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Motor vehicle
This coverage / policy provides compensation to the Insured for loss of and or damage to the Motorized Vehicle and / or insured interests
Area of Guarantee
Standard Guarantee
- Loss and or damage directly caused by:
- collision, impact, upside down, slip, or fall;
- evil deeds;
- theft, including theft that was preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threats of violence. fires, including:
- fire due to fire of other adjacent objects or storage facilities for Motorized Vehicles;
- fire due to lightning strikes;
- damage due to water and or other tools used to prevent or extinguish fires;
- the destruction of all or part of Motorized Vehicles by order of the authorities in an effort to prevent the spread of fire.
Expansion Guarantee
Expansion of guarantees in Motor Vehicle insurance, originating from:
Policy exceptions, some exceptions to the policy can be requested as extensions with additional premiums, such as:
Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage (RSMD 4.1A / 2007) or Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage, Civil Commotion (RSMDCC 4.1B / 2007)
Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis.
Typhoons, Storms, Floods.
Terrorism & Sabotage
Expansion of guarantees beyond policy exceptions, generally with the use of clauses, such as:
Legal Responsibility of Party III (TPL)
Passenger Legal Responsibility
Driver Personal Accident
Passenger Personal Accident
The conditions of motor vehicle insurance coverage include:
Comprehensive (Combined)
Provide comprehensive protection against damage and / or loss to vehicles either in part or in total as a result of accidents that come suddenly and unexpectedly, including the loss of vehicles or parts thereof due to theft or destruction or damage due to fire.
Total Loss Only
Provides protection against loss or total damage to the vehicle as a result of an accident that comes suddenly and unexpectedly, including the complete loss of the vehicle due to theft or destruction or damage due to fire.
What is meant by total damage is if the repair costs reach 75% or more than the price of the vehicle
The Motorized Vehicle category that can be insured is based on the type of vehicle (Sedan, Station Wagon, Minibus, Pick Up, Truck and Bus) and vehicle use categories (private, official, commercial / commercial vehicles) Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
There are 2 types of protection options, they are:
All Risk (Combined), i.e. comprehensive protection against damage and / or loss to vehicles either in part or in total as a result of accidents that come suddenly and unexpectedly, including the loss of vehicles or parts of vehicles due to theft, destruction or damage to fire .
Total Loss Only (TLO), i.e. protection against damage and / or loss to vehicles either in part or in total as a result of accidents that come suddenly and unexpectedly, including the loss of vehicles or parts of vehicles due to theft, destruction or fire damage , where the repair costs reach 75% or more than the price of the vehicle. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
This coverage / policy provides compensation to the Insured in the event of loss, damage and or loss of equipment (equipment) that is generally large in size, whether it can run with the machine that is on the equipment (equipment) itself or not, and not run on public highways.
- Bulldozer
- Excavator
- Grapple Loader
- Dump truck
- Forklift
- Road Roller
- Crawler Crane
- Wheal Loader
- And others
Area of Guarantee
Standard Guarantee
Operational errors, negligence or employee misconduct.
Natural disasters, such as: storms, floods, rain (rocks) ice, inundation, landslides.
Fire, lightning and explosion.
Robbery and Judging
Collision, impact, upside down, slip.
Other events that are not excluded in General and Special Exceptions.
General Exceptions
Intentional acts committed by the Insured or the person representing the insured.
As a result of ioniz
ation, radiation or pollution by active radio originating from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste.
As a result of war, invasion, foreign enemy attack, war (declared or not), civil war, rebellion, riots, strikes, riots, earthquakes, volcanoes erupt, seize power over the de facto and de jure legitimate government.
Expansion Guarantee
Expansion of collateral in Marine Hull Insurance, originating from:
- With the exception of the Policy, some of the reservations in the policy can be requested as an extension with additional premiums, such as:
- Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage (RSMD 4.1A / 2007) or Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage, Civil Commotion (RSMDCC 4.1B / 2007)
- Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis.
- Expansion of guarantees beyond policy exceptions, generally with the use of clauses, such as: Third Party Liability
Assurance Price Determination
Coverage price must be based on New Replacement Value (NRV) Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
In general, this type of insurance provides protection for potential financial losses of the insured against the risks of loss and damage to the goods as long as the goods are transported or sent by primary land, sea or air transportation.
Freight insurance products include, among others: Land Freight Insurance, Sea Freight Insurance and Air Freight Insurance.
What is the object of this insurance coverage?
Broadly, the insured items are all kinds of goods or commodities in solid, liquid and gas forms and transported in containers or non-containers.
Who needs this product?
Every private business entity, government or individual who has an interest in the insured object includes: exporters, importers, forwarding companies, courier service companies, shipowners, and other interested parties.
How is the premium calculated?
Premiums are calculated based on the multiplication between the value of the insured object (including freight and imaginary profit) with a premium rate determined by taking into account, inter alia: type, nature and packaging of goods, age of conveyance, transportation routes and other factors.
What is the process for filing a claim?
In the event of a claim, the Insured can take the following steps:
Contact the Office of PT. Insurance Ramayana Tbk closest to a reasonable period of time since the incident occurred.
Furthermore, our claim officer will assist the process of this claim.
Where is the next information?
For further information, please contact PT. Ramayana Insurance Tbk closest in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 3193714 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Land, Sea and Air Freight Insurance
This insurance / policy provides guarantees for the transportation of goods by route from warehouse / port to warehouse.
Area of Guarantee
Standard Guarantee
Sea Transportation: Institute Cargo Clause (ICC) A, ICC B, ICC C
Transportation (Special) Land: Cover A DAI, Cover B DAI
Freight (Special) Air: Institute Cargo Clause (Air)
Expansion Guarantee
Expansion of collateral in Marine Cargo insurance, originating from:
Policy exceptions, some exceptions in the policy can be requested as an extension with additional premiums, such as: Riot, Strike (Institute Strike Clause), War (Institute War Clause), and others.
Expansion of guarantees beyond policy exceptions, generally with the use of clauses, such as: Institute Replacement Clause, and others Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
This type of insurance aims to provide protection for the risks of project work being carried out by the insured.
Types of Engineering insurance products consist of:
Contractor's All Risks (CAR) Insurance including TPL.
Erection All Risks Insurance.
Machinery Breakdown Insurance.
Boiler Explosion Insurance.
Electronic Equipment Insurance.
Civil Engineering Completed Risks (CECR)
Contractor’s Plant and Machineries Risks (CPM)
What is the object of this insurance coverage?
In general, the objects of coverage in this Engineering insurance are the works of development projects, including:
Contractor's All Risks:
The object of coverage is the construction projects, factories etc.
Erection All Risks:
The object of coverage is the installation of machines or other similar projects.
Machinery Breakdown:
The object of coverage in this MB is Machines, both industrial machines and non-industrial machines (generators, etc.)
Boiler Explosion Insurance:
The object of coverage in this insurance is the Boiler.
Electronic Equipment Insurance.
The object of coverage in this EEI policy is all electronic equipment such as: Computers, telecommunications equipment etc.
Civil Engineering Completed Risks (CECR)
The object of coverage in this CECR insurance is all buildings for which civil construction work has been completed. For example: highways, docks, bridges etc.
Contractor’s Plant Machinery (CPM)
The object of coverage in this insurance is all heavy equipment (heavy equipment) used in construction work that is being done. For example: Bulldozers, Cranes etc.
Who needs this product?
Prospective insured who require engineering insurance products are:
Project owners and contractors for CAR and EAR.
Industry that involves a lot of use of machinery and boilers for MB and Boiler Insurance.
Companies engaged in telecommunications and electronics for EEI Insurance.
Ports, Government and Jasa Marga for CECR
Owner of heavy equipment for CPM.
How is the premium calculated?
The premium is calculated based on the multiplication between the value of the insured object (usually based on the value of the work contract) and the premium rate determined by taking into account, inter alia: type of work, length of time of work etc.
What is the process for filing a claim?
Prospective insured who require engineering insurance products are:
Contact the Office of PT. Insurance Ramayana Tbk closest to a reasonable period of time since the incident occurred.
Furthermore, our claim officer will assist the process of this claim.
For more detailed information, please contact the nearest Ramayana Insurance in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 31937148 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
To protect the project being carried out and provide financial guarantees to the insured, so that their business is not interrupted despite damage to the project.
Policy Contractors' All Risks (CAR) come into force from the start of work or after the unloading of goods at the location and ends with the portion of the work contract that has been handed over or used plus a maintenance period
Insurable interests
Project work in accordance with the work contract between the building owner and the main contract, which consists of:
- The main job
- Preparatory work
- Materials supplied by the owner
- Large tools and machines used to help carry out the work
- The cost of cleaning the rubble
- Third party responsibility.
- And others
Policy Guarantee
This insurance offers a guarantee that is All Risk against losses / damage that can occur in the context of implementing the construction of a building project as long as the policy is not excluded. Damage or losses guaranteed are sudden, unexpected and occur at the construction site (site).
Insurance Risk Installation (EAR)
Cover all risks of damage or loss incurred in the installation or installation of machinery (except for a few risks listed in the exception).
The Erection All Risks (EAR) policy takes effect from the commencement of work or after unloading goods at the site and ends with the portion of the work contract that has been handed over or after the implementation of the first trial or load test (testing and commissioning) plus the maintenance period (maintenance period)
Insurable interests
The object of Insurance Coverage Erection All Risks (EAR) can be in the form of:
- Erection Work - Contract of Work including machine prices, transportation costs, import duties, installation costs and usually includes Tax (VAT).
- The following machines with the equipment
- Transportation costs, customs / import duties
- Installation costs
- Civil engineering works that are part of the overall project
- Ruins removal fee
- Goods / property in the project that belongs to or is under the supervision / responsibility of the Insured
- Third party responsibility
Policy Guarantee
Broadly speaking, the risks in an EAR policy are no different from a CAR policy, except (in general) in the CAR policy there is a maintenance period while in EAR there is a testing period. If CAR based on the object of coverage is engineering or construction work, the EAR prioritizes the installation of machinery and equipment Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Guarantee due to physical damage to electronic equipment
What can be insured is:
a. Electronics Data Processing (Computer)
b. Electrical devices and radiation in the field of medicine
c. Communication equipment
d. Various communication equipment
Area of Guarantee
What is guaranteed by this insurance policy is the result of:
1. Fire
2. Being struck by lightning
3. Blasting
4. Plane airplane
5. Gas which causes fire, humid air
6. Water
7. Short link
8. Wrong planning
9. The manufacturing process error
10. Marketing mistakes
11. Operation error
12. Lack of employee skills
13. Demolition
14. Hurricane
15. Crunchy soil
Expansion of Collateral
On the basis of mutual agreement with the obligation of the Insured to pay additional premiums, the Guarantee can be compensated for losses resulting from:
1. Earthquakes
2. Danger of volcanic eruptions
3. Rebellion, riots
4. Transportation risks
5. Damage to air conditioning
6. Theft
It is stated in the EEI pois, that the consequences that are not guaranteed by the policy are because:
1. Wear, worn out
2. Riots
3. Rebellion
4. Deliberate
5. Damage that is still the responsibility of the supplier
6. Power outage, gas, water. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Machinery Breakdowm
The period of coverage is since the machines have finished ending the testing period and entered the operational period until the end of the coverage period is usually a year.
What can not be insured are spare parts that are regularly replaced (short life) as well as items made of glass, ceramic, wood
Two types of guarantee options are as follows:
- Machinery Breakdown as a guarantee of choice combined with the main policy (PAR / IAR / FIRE). The price of coverage is limited, a maximum of 25% of the price of Machinery coverage on the main policy.
- Machinery Breakdown as the main guarantee (MB stand alone policy)
Scope of Guarantee
What is guaranteed by the MB policy is losses due to:
- Planning error
- Installation error
- Repair error
- Casting error, material
- Operation error
- Lack of employee expertise
- Carelessness
- Riot
- Short link
- Connection error
- Lack of water in the boiler
- Blasting
- Hurricane / hurricane
Risk that is not guaranteed
The loss caused by the incident below is not guaranteed by the MB policy, which is the result of:
- Fire, lightning strike
- Burglary / burglary
- Losses on belts / tires and the like
- Natural disasters
- War
- A rusty current, with holes
- Damage due to testing
- imposition of loads that exceed natural capacity
- Intentional
- Manufacturing risks are limited to direct effects Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Hull Insurance
Liability (Legal Responsibility)
Guarantee for the arising of legal liability to other parties, when operating the aircraft.
What is the object of this insurance coverage?
Other insurance coverage objects:
Objects that can be insured are: marine frame, ship engine, and ship equipment.
Objects that can be insured are: aircraft frames, aircraft components, spare parts, and legal liability that can arise in connection with the operation of the aircraft.
Who needs this product?
Hull & Aviation Insurance, intended for operators or owners of ships or aircraft, both private and government.
How is the premium calculated?
Premiums are calculated based on the insured Hull & Aviation value times the specified premium rate.
What is the process for filing a claim?
In the event of a claim, the Insured can take the following steps:
Contact the Office of PT. The nearest Ramayana Tbk insurance by telephone
Claim reporting no more than 3 x 24 hours since the claim occurred. Furthermore, our claim officer will assist the process of this claim.
Where is the next information?
For further information, please contact PT. Ramayana Insurance Tbk closest in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 3193714 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
- Apakah produk asuransi ini?
Kelompok asuransi ini mencakup beberapa jenis asuransi sbb:- Workmen's Compensation
- Liability
- Personal Accident (Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri)
- Money Insurance (Asuransi Uang)
- Fidelity Guarantee
- Burglary/Theft (Kebongkaran/Kecurian)
- Plate/Glass/Neon Signs/Billboard
- Travel Baggage
Kelompok asuransi ini sering juga disebut asuransi “General Accident”
- Apa yang menjadi obyek pertanggungan asuransi ini?
- Workmen’s Compensation
Menjamin biaya kompensasi pengobatan bagi karyawan yang mengalami luka atau mengalami kecelakaan pada saat bekerja di lingkungan tempat bekerja. Karyawan berhak menuntut kepada perusahaan tempat bekerja jika mengalami kecelakaan pada saat bekerja. Perusahaan atau Pemilik dapat mengasuransikan karyawannya untuk mendapatkan kompensasi biaya pengobatan dalam hal kecelakaan terjadi terhadap karyawan. - Liability
Jaminan yang diberikan kepada Tertanggung dalam hal timbulnya tanggung jawab hukum terhadap pihak lain sehubungan dengan kegiatan operasional perusahaan Tertanggung. - Personal Accident (Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri)
Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri menjamin risiko meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan, cacat sementara, atau cacat permanen, dan biaya pengobatan. - Money Insurance (Asuransi Uang)
Asuransi ini menjamin risiko kecurian, hilang, atau dirampok pada saat penyimpanan (Case In Safe/Cash In Cashier Box) atau pada saat dikirim atau diangkut ke tempat lain (Cash In Transit) - Fidelity Guarantee
Menjamin pemilik perusahaan terhadap risiko hilangnya uang sebagai akibat tindakan yang tidak jujur atau penipuan dari karawannya. - Burglary/Theft (Kebongkaran/Kecurian) Asuransi ini menjamin risiko kebongkaran, dan risiko kecurian di premises (lingkungan) pemilik atau pengelola. - Plate/Glass/Neon Signs/Billboard
Menjamin risiko rusak, pecah atau hilang plate kaca, neon signs dan billboard - Travel Baggage
Menjamin risiko hilangnya bagasi, rusak, atau kebongkarnya bagasi dalam perjalanan, sehingga menimbulkan kerugian bagi Tertanggung.
- Workmen’s Compensation
- Siapa saja yang memerlukan produk ini?
Produk asuransi diperlukan oleh perusahaan-perusahan milik pemerintah dan swasta. Asuransi aneka ini juga diperuntukkan bagi Tertanggung Individu. - Bagaimana perhitungan preminya?
Premi dihitung berdasarkan Nilai Pertanggungan di kali rate premi yang sudah ditetapkan. - Bagaimana proses pengajuan klaim?
Dalam hal terjadi klaim, Tertanggung dapat melakukan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :- Menghubungi Kantor PT Asuransi Ramayana Tbk terdekat melalui telepon
- Pelaporan klaim tidak lebih 3 x 24 jam sejak kejadian klaim Selanjutnya petugas klaim kami akan membantu proses klaim ini.
- Kemana informasi selanjutnya?
Informasi lebih lengkap silakan menghubungi Asuransi Ramayana terdekat dikota anda. Hotline Customer Service (021) 31937148 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Money Insurance
This coverage provides a guarantee for the risk of death, permanent disability, care and / or medical costs directly caused by an accident, including:
- Poisoning due to inhalation of toxic gases or vapors, unless the Insured intentionally uses drugs or other substances that have been identified to have adverse effects including the use of illegal drugs,
- Contracting a virus or germ as a result of the Insured accidentally falling into water or some other liquid,
- Suffocation or drowning,
- Entry of a virus or germ into a wound suffered as a result of an accident that is guaranteed by the policy.
- Complications or worsening of the disease caused by an accident that is guaranteed in the policy during the treatment or medication carried out by a doctor.
Area of Guarantee
Standard Guarantee
Death (Guarantee A)
A guarantee will be given in the event that the Insured:
die within a period of 12 (twelve) months from the accident, or
lost and was not found within at least 60 days of the accident
Permanent Disability (Guarantee B)
Guarantee B will be provided in the event that the Insured suffers permanent disability as a direct result of an accident guaranteed in the policy, which consists of:
Total Permanent Disability
Partially Disabled
Treatment or Medical Costs (Guarantee C)
Expansion Guarantee
Expansion of collateral in Personal Accident Insurance, originating from:
With the exception of the Policy, some of the issues in the policy can be requested as an extension with additional premiums, such as: Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage (RSMD 4.1A / 2007) or Riot, Srike, Civil, Malicious Damage, Civil Commotion (RSMDCC 4.1B / 2007 ). Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Providing protection in the event that the Insured suffers financial loss due to his responsibility to replace or pay for the loss of another person / party, both with regard to bodily injuries (including sickness and death) as well as property damage from that person / other party.
Types of Liability Insurance
Comprehensive General Liability
Public Liability
Professional Indemnity
Automobile Liability
Golfer Indemnity
Director & Liability Officer Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Bonding is a form of insurance guarantee or agreement involving three parties, namely the first party called Surety, in this case insurance that issues guarantees for the benefit or request of a second party called Principal, which is bound to fulfill an obligation that has been determined or agreed with a third party. called Obligee. In the agreement it was agreed that if the Principal fails / achievements in settling their obligations to the Obligee for what has been determined or agreed, then the Surety will reimburse the costs. Bonding products consist of Surety Bonds and Customs Bonds
How to calculate the premium rate and premium?
The premium rate is set in a percentage where the premium is calculated based on the multiplication of the Collateral Value with a predetermined premium rate.
What is the process for filing claims?
In the event of a claim, the Bondee can take the following steps:
Contacting the Unit / Branch Office of PT. Ramayana Insurance Tbk. which issues a guarantee within a reasonable timeframe since the claim event is known
Furthermore, the claim officer will assist the claim process.
Who needs this product?
Every business entity that has an insurable interest both as the executor of the work and as the recipient of facilities from the obligee, such as:
Contractor / Sub-Contractor, Supplier / Supplier
Manufacturer and Exporter
Where is the next information?
For more detailed information, please contact the nearest Ramayana Insurance in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 31937148 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Surety Bond
Coverage that provides a guarantee to the project owner (obligee) of the possibility of the risk of loss due to failure of the recipient of the work (principal) in completing their obligations according to the contract.
Bid Bond / Bid Guarantee
Guarantees that guarantee that the Principal has fulfilled all the requirements specified by the Bondee to participate in the Tender and if the Principal wins the Tender, the Principal within the specified deadline will be able to sign the contract and will deliver the Performance Bond (if required in the contract) as a guarantee of completion of the work according to the contract, if not, Surety will pay compensation to the obligee.
Performance Bond / Implementation Collateral
A guarantee that guarantees that the Principal will carry out and complete the work provided by the Bondee in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract, otherwise the Surety will pay compensation to the Bondee.
Advance Payment Bond / Advance Payment Guarantee
A guarantee that guarantees that the Principal will be able to return the advance received from the Bond in accordance with the terms of the contract after first calculating the Work Progress, otherwise the Surety will pay compensation to the Bondee.
Maintenance Bond / Maintenance Guarantee
A guarantee that guarantees that the Principal will make repairs, replacement for damages / material defects and work imperfections in accordance with the provisions in the contract after the work has been handed over, otherwise Surety will pay compensation to the obligee.
The requirements to become a Surety Bond customer are to submit:
Deed of incorporation.
Audited Financial Statements.
Copy of Account Statement for the past two months. (specifically for companies that just started).
Copy of permit that is owned and is still valid such as; SIUP / SIUJK, TDR, NPWP, Company Domicile Certificate
Copy of valid KTP / KITAS / Passport of each Director / Management.
Submit Compensation Agreement (if the application becomes a Surety Bond customer is approved)
Conditions to apply for a Surety Bond:
Fill out and submit the Surety Bond Issuance Request form (SPPSB), along with the documents according to the type of Surety Bond requested as follows:
1. Bid Bond (Offer Warranty)
- Tender Invitation
- Application letter
2. Performance Bond (Guarantee Of Impelemntation)
- Work Performance Collection Proxy
- Application letter
- Contract Draft
- Letter of Winner Appointment
- Work order letter.
3. Advance Payment Bond (Advance Guarantee)
- Application letter
- Work Performance Collection Proxy
- Employment contract.
4. Maintenance Bond (Manintenance Guarantee)
- Application letter
- Minutes of Work Handover I
- Last weekly report
- Work Power of Attorney Collection. Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
The type of guarantee provided by a Surety Company, for the benefit of a Guaranteed party (Principal) that is bound to fulfill an obligation to another party that is the Recipient of the Guarantee / Customs (Obligee) based on the Customs license / facility relating to the obligations arise from the provisions of the Customs or Customs Regulations, in this case are:
- Import Duty (BM),
- Additional Import Duty (BMT),
- Value Added Tax (VAT),
- Value Added Tax of Luxury Goods (Vat BM),
- Income Tax Article 22
- Administrative costs calculated from the date of Notification of Imported Goods (PIB)
Customs and Excise facilities that can be guaranteed with Customs Bond:
KITE (Ease of Importing for Export Purposes)
Imports of raw materials to be processed, assembled or installed on other goods for the purpose of being exported whose import is exempt or refunded from Import Duty or Excise and Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods are not collected. For example: Yarn, Leather, Garment, etc.
Imports of goods into customs areas aiming to be re-exported within a certain period. For example: Goods for exhibition purposes, seminar activities, race needs, project needs, etc.
Expenditures of goods from the port / KPBC with the suspension of payment of import duties, excise and taxes. For example: Goods that get easy periodic payments / Periodical PIB, Imported Goods for urgent projects, Imported Goods for the purposes of handling emergencies / natural disasters.
A place or area with certain boundaries which is carried out in the business activities of the processing of goods and materials, activities of engineering design, engineering, sorting, initial inspection, final inspection and packing of imported goods and materials or goods and materials from Indonesian customs areas others whose results are mainly for export purposes.
Entrepreneurs for Customs Services (PPJK) to be able to carry out activities at the Customs Service Office (KPBC) are required to have a PPJK Principal Number issued by the local BC Service Office Head. To get the Principal Number, PPJK submits an application to the Head of the BC Service Office. One of the conditions is to surrender collateral worth: in Tanjung Priok a minimum of Rp. 150 million, in Belawan, Soekarno Hatta, Tanjung Emas, Tanjung Perak minimum Rp. 100 million, in Polonia a minimum of Rp. 50 million, and in other places a minimum of Rp. 5 million.
The state levies stated in the Declaration of Notification of Payment of Import Duty, abbreviated as SPKPBM, in the case of customs clearance to the importer / PPJK are wrong in notifying Customs Value, type and / or number of goods in PIB resulting in underpayment of import duty payments.
Importers can submit objections to SPKPBM received on condition that:
- Submit an objection letter
- Filing an objection within 30 days of the issuance of SPKPBM
- Submit a Guarantee for the amount of the invoice in SPKPBM
- Reason for objection
- Supporting evidence.
Further Transportation of Imported Goods or Exported Goods
Imported or exported goods which are transported by means of transportation through a Customs and Excise Service office to another Customs and Excise Service office by being demolished first at a temporary landfill (TPS)
And just eliminating information regarding:
Importers can submit objections to SPKPBM received on condition (this explanation does not need to be entered)
The requirement to become a Customs Bond customer is to submit:
- Deed of incorporation.
- Audited Financial Statements.
- Copy of Account Statement for the past two months. (specifically for companies that just started).
- Copy of permit that is owned and is still valid such as; SIUP / SIUJK, NPWP, Company Domicile Certificate
- Copy of valid KTP / KITAS / Passport of each Director / Management.
- Production cycle of imported goods
- SKEP Customs Facilities
- Submit Compensation Agreement (if the application becomes a Surety Bond customer is approved) Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Ramayana Sharia Insurance is built on the basis of cooperation with the principle of help. Premium funds collected from customers are invested based on sharia with a profit sharing system and if the funds will be developed it will be run by sharia rules. There is a Sharia Supervisory Board tasked with overseeing product management and investment policies so that they are always in line with Islamic law.
How is the premium calculated?
The premium collected is the participant's contribution as a policy holder mandated to the Company to manage all insurance management and operations in accordance with sharia principles. Where it is agreed at the beginning on the basis of the Wakalah Akad bil Ujrah for their duties and responsibilities the Company is entitled to get the agreed upon ujrah (management fee). Any premiums entrusted by Participants will be entered into the Tabarru Fund Account, which will be used to cover losses from the disasters that befall Participants.
If there is an excess (surplus) on the Tabarru Fund 'after being issued for insurance expenses or there is an investment return on the management of the fund will be divided in half between the Participant as the owner of the fund and the Company as the manager on the principle of profit sharing.
What is the process for filing claims?
If there is a participant who experiences a disaster for the payment of a customer's claim the funds are taken from the Tabarru Fund Account (social funds) of all participants who have been let go for help.
Where is the next information?
For more detailed information, please contact the nearest Ramayana Insurance in your city. Customer Service Hotline (021) 31937148 Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
This insurance covers health insurance for employees / employees of a company including the wife / husband and children of employees / employees of the policy holder. Coverage is valid for 1 (one) year and can be renewed.
This product provides a comprehensive health care guarantee covering basic guarantees in the form of hospitalization and additional guarantees namely outpatient, dental care, childbirth, and medical check-ups.
Download List of Askes Ramayana Providers Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
Head Office
Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 49
Jakarta 10340 - PO Box 4685
Phone: (021) 319 37148 (Hunting)
Fax: (021) 319 34825
Asuransi Ramayana ASRM
