Ateliers Mecaniques D Indonesie T AMIN


PT ATMINDO Tbk (AMIN) are professionals in the design, manufacture and erecting of boilers and have over decade of experience in the engineering and manufacture of industrial steam, processed heat and power generation. Our boilers are installed in Indonesia and other countries around the world.

All our boilers are manufactured at our state-of-the-art facility that comes equipped with membrane wall manufacturing equipment.


Besides boilers, we also design and fabricate pressure vessel tanks and piping systems for the palm oil industry.

In addition to the assigned standard specifications, we also design and fabricate boilers conform to customer specifications requirement. ATMINDO (AMIN) History

Head Office
Jl. Sei Belumai Km 2,4 No.30-38
Desa Dagang Kelambir 20362

Tanjung Morawa - North Sumatera

Tel  : +62-61-7947751

Fax : +62-61-7947755

Hotline : +62-812-6400-8888


Company Profile