Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation
The company, located in Jakarta, was established on April 13, 2005, based on deed number 4 dated on April 13, 2005, regarding the establishment of limited liability of PT JO Perkasa Agro Technologies by Herlina Pakpahan, SH, notary in Jakarta, which approved by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia through decree number C12513 HT.01.01 TH 2005 date on May 10, 2005 regarding the approval of deed of establishment of limited liability company and registerd under company registration office in complance with regulation number 3 year 1982 on statutory company registration under register number 3 year 1982 on statutory company registration under register number 090515151092 at company registration office of Central Jakarta number 1297/BH.09.05/V/2005 dated on May 25, 2005 and announced in state gazette number 101 dated on Desember 20, 2005 in supplement number 13083 (deed incorporation)
On November 2010 the company changed its name to PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation based on deed number 17 dated agro Gemilang Plantation based on deed number 17 dated on November 8, 2010 by H Teddy Anwar SH,Sp.N., notary in Jakarta.
Since 2011 to the present, the company amended its articles of association as follows. On March 18, 2011, based on deed number 70 by H. Teddy Anwar SH, SpN. notary in Jakarta the company amended the article 1 to article 29 of the articles of association of the company regarding change approval of private company to public company, and adjustment of company's articles of association for public offering and publicly list companies, which had been approved by minister of justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and announced in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.
Based on deed number 72 dated on May 29,2012 made by H. Teddy Anwar SH, SpN, notary in Jakarta, the company amended article 1,2,3 and 4 section 1 of the articles of associatin regarding the increase in aouthorized, issued and fully paid capital, approved by minister of justice and human rights of the republic of Indonesia and announced in state gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.
Based on deed number 39 dated on August 10, 2012 made by H. Teddy Anwar SH, SpN., notary in Jakarta, the company change its status from public company into private company and amended it's articles of association in accordance with the stadndard of articles of association for private company and announced inState Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia
Based on deed number 58 dated on August 16, 2012, made by H. Teddy Anwar S.H., SpN. notary in Jakarta which has been approved by minister of justice and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia on approval of amendment to company's articles of association dated August 30, 2012 for the change of company status from private company to public company and change of the company name form PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation to PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation to PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk. and amendment to the articles of association based on regulation number IX.J.1 regarding standard of articles of association of public offering companies and publicly listed companies, and announced in state gazette of the Republic of Indonesia by Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation (MAGP) History
Kantor Pusat
Gedung Bank Panin Pusat, Lantai 2
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 1
Jakarta Pusat 10270
Telepon : (021) 7205503
Faksimili : (021) 7251488
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Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation