Bara Jaya Internasional (ATPK)


 The company was founded in 1988 in Medan under the name PT Anugrah Tambak Perkasindo. In 2002, the Company made an Initial Public Offering and subsequently listed all shares issued and fully paid on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (Company Listing) on ​​April 17, 2002.
 The resolution of the Company's EGMS which was held on 7 June 2006 approved the change of the Company's name from PT Anugrah Tambak Perkasindo Tbk. became PT ATPK Resources Tbk., the change of domicile of the Company from Medan to Jakarta, and diversification of the Company's business fields to the fields of general mining and infrastructure development.
 The resolution of the Company's EGMS which was held on November 30, 2006 approved the addition of the Company's main business activities to coal mining, oil and gas mining and the private power generation industry as a derivative business. The Company started investing in coal by acquiring PT Modal Investment Mineral (MIM) where at the time of the investment by the Company, MIM already had 6 (six) subsidiaries, namely: PT Saptajaya Menjak Sengewari (SMS), PT Mega Alam Sejahtera (MAS), PT Sarana Mandiri Utama (SMU), PT Damanka Prima (Damanka), PT Tuhup Coal Mining (TCM) and PT MIM Geoservices Technology (MGT).

Bara Jaya Internasional (ATPK) History

 Being a leading energy company based on coal, oil & gas, renewable energy

  • Discovering, taking over, building and utilizing potential energy sources and continuously optimizing products from these energy sources and their derivative products using the most appropriate technology, at a fair value and done in an environmentally friendly manner. 
  • Continuously increasing the values ​​of energy assets and related assets and making them a profitable Company investment
  • Provides opportunities for employees that lead to improvement in their abilities
  •  Providing the best market value and economic added value for the Shareholders 
  • Utilize and operate coal energy prospects and other materials, oil & gas energy and renewable energy prospects available, by way of business combination, acquisition and development of new fields 
  • Creating local and international energy markets by collaborating and synergizing with end users or traders. 
  • Leading to the vertical expansion the integration of upstream assets from the Company was carried out into downstream projects, such as the Mining Mouth Power Plant, LPG and / or CNG plants, petroleum pipeline, gas and other downstream businesses.  Bara Jaya Internasional (ATPK) 

PT. ATPK Resources Tbk.
AXA Tower 29th Floor Suite 01
Kuningan City
JL.Prof.Dr.Satrio Kav.18, Setiabudi
Jakarta 12940
Telp. 62-21 3005 6388
fax. 62-21 3005 6377

Bara Jaya Internasional (ATPK)

Bara Jaya Internasional (ATPK)

Bara Jaya Internasional