PT Bank Permata Tbk (PermataBank) is the result of the merger of 5 (five) banks, namely PT. Bank Bali Tbk, PT. Bank Universal Tbk, PT. Bank Artamedia, PT. Bank Patriot and PT. Bank Prima Ekspress in 2002, and now has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services that can provide comprehensive financial services in a simple, fast, and reliable manner. As a pioneer in mobile banking and mobile cash technology in the Indonesian market, in 2017 PermataBank again led the innovation through the launch of the first E-Bond product on the market and was the first bank to introduce TouchID & FaceID in its PermataMobile Banking. Serving nearly 2 million customers in 62 cities in Indonesia, as of December 2018 PermataBank has 323 branch offices, 16 mobile branches (Mobile Branch), 23 One-Stop Sharia services, 2 payment points, 1018 ATMs with access to more than 100,000 ATMs (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto, ATM Bersama and ATM Prima) and millions of ATMs worldwide that are connected with the Visa, Mastercard, Cirrus networks. PT. Bank Permata Tbk obtained a license as a commercial bank based on Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 1937 / U.M.II February 19, 1957. Bank Permata
PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata Bank) is the result of the merger of 5 (five) banks, namely PT. Bank Bali Tbk, PT. Bank Universal Tbk, PT. Bank Artamedia, PT. Bank Patriot and PT. Bank Prima Ekspress in 2002, and now has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services that can provide comprehensive financial services in a simple, fast, and reliable manner. As a pioneer in mobile banking and mobile cash technology in the Indonesian market, in 2017 PermataBank again led the innovation through the launch of the first E-Bond product on the market and was the first bank to introduce TouchID & FaceID in its PermataMobile Banking. PermataBank was formed as a result of the merger of five banks under the supervision of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN) namely, PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia and PT Bank Patriot in 2002. In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a massive transformation process within the organization. Furthermore, as a form of its commitment to PermataBank, the ownership of these major shares increased to 89.12% since 2006.
At present, PermataBank has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services that can provide comprehensive, simple, fast and reliable financial services. As a pioneer in mobile banking and mobile cash technology in the Indonesian market, PermataBank is again leading innovation through the launch of the first E-Bond product on the market and is the first bank to introduce TouchID & FaceID in its mobile banking application. In 2018, the Bank launched the PermataMobile X application with 200 latest reliable features.
Serving almost 2 million customers in 62 cities in Indonesia, as of December 2018 PermataBank has 323 branch offices, 16 mobile branches, 1 payment point, 1005 ATMs with access to more than 100,000 ATMs (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto , ATM Bersama and ATM Prima) and millions of ATMs around the world that are connected with the Visa, Mastercard, Cirrus network. During 2018, PermataBank received various awards for several achievements. In the CSR area, PermataBank received "CSR Appreciation in the field of education from Sindo Media (Jan 2018). For the PermataMe #CountMEin product campaign from The Marketing Event Awards, PermataBank won 5 gold trophies and 1 silver trophy (Gold Award for Best Event Press / Media category, Best Consumer Event, Best Digital Integration Event, Best Ambience Event, Best Event Product Launch / Relaunch and Silver Award for Multi Channel Best Event category). The single MoneyHoney song #CountMEin, which was delivered by Dipha Barus & Monica Karina, also won two awards as the Best Production Work and the Best Electronics Production Work at AMI (Indonesian Music Award) awards 2018 (26 Sep 2018).
PermataBank has a range of products for retail, SME, commercial to corporate customers, both conventional and sharia. PermataBank's focus on digitalization is strengthened by Permata e-Banking services including PermataATM, PermataMobile X, PermataNet, Permata E-Form, Permata E-Statement, Permata E-Wealth (E-Bonds, E-Mutual Funds), Permata E-Business ( Cash, E-Trade and Financial Supply Chain) and API Banking. Bank Permata (BNLI) Hisory
Head Office
PermataBank, WTC II
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31, Jakarta 12920
Telepon: +62 21 523 7788
Fax: +62 21 523 7253
1500111 dari fixed line atau ponsel dan +6221 29850611 (dari luar negeri).
email: care@permatabank.co.id
Hubungi Customer Service PermataBank melalui Twitter resmi @PermataCare
Corporate Website
Silahkan klik disini untuk menyampaikan form online untuk pertanyaan, saran atau feedback lainnya.
PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata Bank) is the result of the merger of 5 (five) banks, namely PT. Bank Bali Tbk, PT. Bank Universal Tbk, PT. Bank Artamedia, PT. Bank Patriot and PT. Bank Prima Ekspress in 2002, and now has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services that can provide comprehensive financial services in a simple, fast, and reliable manner. As a pioneer in mobile banking and mobile cash technology in the Indonesian market, in 2017 PermataBank again led the innovation through the launch of the first E-Bond product on the market and was the first bank to introduce TouchID & FaceID in its PermataMobile Banking. PermataBank was formed as a result of the merger of five banks under the supervision of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN) namely, PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia and PT Bank Patriot in 2002. In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a massive transformation process within the organization. Furthermore, as a form of its commitment to PermataBank, the ownership of these major shares increased to 89.12% since 2006.
At present, PermataBank has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services that can provide comprehensive, simple, fast and reliable financial services. As a pioneer in mobile banking and mobile cash technology in the Indonesian market, PermataBank is again leading innovation through the launch of the first E-Bond product on the market and is the first bank to introduce TouchID & FaceID in its mobile banking application. In 2018, the Bank launched the PermataMobile X application with 200 latest reliable features.
Serving almost 2 million customers in 62 cities in Indonesia, as of December 2018 PermataBank has 323 branch offices, 16 mobile branches, 1 payment point, 1005 ATMs with access to more than 100,000 ATMs (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto , ATM Bersama and ATM Prima) and millions of ATMs around the world that are connected with the Visa, Mastercard, Cirrus network. During 2018, PermataBank received various awards for several achievements. In the CSR area, PermataBank received "CSR Appreciation in the field of education from Sindo Media (Jan 2018). For the PermataMe #CountMEin product campaign from The Marketing Event Awards, PermataBank won 5 gold trophies and 1 silver trophy (Gold Award for Best Event Press / Media category, Best Consumer Event, Best Digital Integration Event, Best Ambience Event, Best Event Product Launch / Relaunch and Silver Award for Multi Channel Best Event category). The single MoneyHoney song #CountMEin, which was delivered by Dipha Barus & Monica Karina, also won two awards as the Best Production Work and the Best Electronics Production Work at AMI (Indonesian Music Award) awards 2018 (26 Sep 2018).
PermataBank has a range of products for retail, SME, commercial to corporate customers, both conventional and sharia. PermataBank's focus on digitalization is strengthened by Permata e-Banking services including PermataATM, PermataMobile X, PermataNet, Permata E-Form, Permata E-Statement, Permata E-Wealth (E-Bonds, E-Mutual Funds), Permata E-Business ( Cash, E-Trade and Financial Supply Chain) and API Banking. Bank Permata (BNLI) Hisory
Head Office
PermataBank, WTC II
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31, Jakarta 12920
Telepon: +62 21 523 7788
Fax: +62 21 523 7253
1500111 dari fixed line atau ponsel dan +6221 29850611 (dari luar negeri).
email: care@permatabank.co.id
Hubungi Customer Service PermataBank melalui Twitter resmi @PermataCare
Corporate Website
Silahkan klik disini untuk menyampaikan form online untuk pertanyaan, saran atau feedback lainnya.
![PermataReward Card kk-psc 1](https://www.permatabank.com/uploadedImages/PermataBank/Content/Products/Personal/CreditCards/_COMPILE%20KARTU%20PERMATA%202016-06.png)