Bank Maspion
Was established based on Deed No. 68 dated November 6, 1989 juncto Deed of Amendment No. 49 dated December 5, 1989, both were made before Soetjipto, S.H., Notary in Surabaya. After obtaining permission from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 30 July 1990, Maspion Bank began operating commercially as a commercial bank on 31 August 1990 and on 28 July 1995 Maspion Bank holds the status of a Foreign Exchange Bank.
Based on the resolution of the EGMS on April 2, 2013, Maspion Bank changed the status of the company to a publicly listed company and offered 770,000,000 common shares to the public with a nominal value of Rp. 100, - per share, which was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on July 11, 2013.
In 2016, Maspion Bank implemented a Limited Public Offering I ("PUT I") in the context of adding capital by giving pre-emptive rights. Funds obtained from LPO I amounting to Rp. 201,437 million made the Bank's Equity at the end of December 2016 reach more than Rp 1 trillion and the Bank was in the BOOK 2 category.
In 2017, amidst limited economic growth and challenging external conditions, Maspion Bank was able to achieve good performance. This achievement is due to the Bank's continuing to closely monitor macroeconomic developments and to adjust business strategies quickly and accurately in achieving the Bank's work plan. On August 28, 2017, PT Alim Investindo as the shareholder and Kasikornbank Public Limited Company Ltd. ("Kasikorn") signed a Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") related to the sale of shares in Maspion Bank. Under the terms of the Agreement, Kasikornbank has purchased 443,901,808 shares of Maspion Bank owned by PT Alim Investindo, representing 9.99% of the total shares. The stock purchase transaction was carried out on September 5, 2017.
In achieving performance, at the end of December 2017 Maspion Bank was supported by 708 employees and had 49 office networks consisting of 1 Head Office, 10 Branch Offices, 28 Sub-Branch Offices, 8 Cash Offices and 2 Functional Offices spread across Surabaya, Jakarta, Semarang , Denpasar, Medan, Bandung, Makassar, Solo, Malang, Purwokerto and Palembang. In order to realize its commitment in offering banking solutions that are able to meet customer needs, Maspion Bank has a delivery channel of 6 Car Cash, 6 CDM and 58 ATMs with access to more than 110,000 ATMs and 450,000 EDCs in the Prima network and electronic channels namely Maspion Electronic Banking which consists of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking as well as Virtual Account Maspion.
Dalam mencapai kinerja, pada akhir
Desember 2017 Bank Maspion didukung oleh 708 karyawan dan memiliki 49
jaringan kantor yang terdiri dari 1 Kantor Pusat, 10 Kantor Cabang, 28
Kantor Cabang Pembantu, 8 Kantor Kas serta 2 Kantor Fungsional yang
tersebar di Surabaya, Jakarta, Semarang, Denpasar, Medan, Bandung,
Makassar, Solo, Malang, Purwokerto dan Palembang. Guna mewujudkan
komitmen dalam menawarkan solusi perbankan yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan
nasabah, maka Bank Maspion memiliki delivery channel berupa 6 Kas
Mobil, 6 CDM dan 58 ATM dengan akses ke lebih dari 110.000 ATM dan
450.000 EDC di jaringan Prima serta electronic channel yaitu Maspion
Electronic Banking yang terdiri dari Internet Banking dan Mobile Banking
serta Maspion Virtual Account. Bank Maspion History
Jl. Basuki Rahmat 50-54, Surabaya (60262)
ISA CALL (031) 5316999
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Jl. Basuki Rahmat 50-54, Surabaya (60262)
ISA CALL (031) 5316999
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