English is an internationally recognized language. English has been taught, starting from early childhood education, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school. English is a language that can be used to communicate with people who are on 7 Continents, namely Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. It's great to be able to share information with friends who are all over the world. In addition to going to school to learn English, it can be followed by selfstudy which is repeating lessons that have been taught at school, studying in courses where in addition to local teachers who teach there are also courses that do provide foreign teachers.
At that time the desire to continue to sharpen the ability to communicate in English, both the ability to hear, write and speak fluently. Begin questions arise and find out where English courses are. Lots of references from friends who tell the names of places of English courses. Finally, after touring from one place to another, confusing because all the English courses are all good. But in the end try to register at English First.
At that time the desire to continue to sharpen the ability to communicate in English, both the ability to hear, write and speak fluently. Begin questions arise and find out where English courses are. Lots of references from friends who tell the names of places of English courses. Finally, after touring from one place to another, confusing because all the English courses are all good. But in the end try to register at English First.
One of my teachers, while on vacation to Hills Kaba Curup. we hike in the morning and then down before evening.
In the early 1960s, a young Swedish man named
Bertil Hult traveled to England for the first time. As a dyslexic,
school had always been a challenge for him. But he was surprised by how
effortlessly he picked up English in England.
Bertil became convinced that traditional
classroom-based teaching was not always the most effective. In 1965, he
decided to start a small company called Europeiska Ferieskolan (European
Holiday School – EF for short) that combined language learning with
travel abroad. He called the program Språkresor, or Language Travel,
which provided one of the world's first hands-on learning experiences
outside the classroom.
Today, experiential learning is a cornerstone of
modern education. For EF, it has been the philosophy behind every
program for 50 years. This simple but effective way to learn has helped
us become world’s largest educational organization.
New ideas :Social attitudes are changing, technology is
taking a giant leap forward, and countries are beginning to look beyond
their borders. In the same spirit of endless possibility, Bertil Hult
and a small group of friends launch a new hands-on learning enterprise
called Language Travel that will change the way people learn.
At 24, Bertil Hult invents the concept of language
travel, one of the world’s first experiential learning programs. He
opens a company called Europeiska Ferieskolan – soon shortened to EF –
to escort 407 Swedish high school students to the UK to learn English
during their summer break.
Rapid growth
EF’s Language Travel program quickly
spreads throughout Sweden and Scandinavia. In addition to offering
English in England, EF also launches German in Germany and French in
New markets : Government deregulation of air travel
makes mass tourism possible on a scale never before imagined. Travel is
no longer solely for the rich; it’s for anyone with a dream. Millions
now yearn to see of the world, and speak the new global language –
English. To meet the demand, EF opens in many new markets with new
Business English
EF opens EF Institute in Hastings,
England, to teach intensive Business English abroad to Swedish
professionals. EF Institute soon opens locations in the USA, France,
Germany and Spain. The program name is later changed to EF Corporate
High school exchange
EF opens High School Year Abroad, a
U.S. Government-designated exchange program for students who would like
the chance to experience the “American Dream” for a year by living with
host family, attending a local high school, and becoming a member of the
surrounding community.
Language schools abroad
EF opens its first year-round
EF International Language Center in Cambridge, England, dedicated by
Swedish Princess Margaretha. Schools soon open throughout the UK and
New programs : The business-friendly climate of both the Reagan and Thatcher administrations helps many brands go global. Business is also booming at EF. Not only are we able to take our services worldwide, but we successfully launch new programs for the American market.
Radio English
EF collaborates with the BBC to produce "Radio English", a series of taped audio programs to enhance classroom instruction.
Educational Tours
EF develops its Educational Tours
program for North American high school teachers and their students.
School groups are able to make the world their classroom with
professionally guided tours of Western Civilization’s greatest
achievements during academic breaks.
Birth of a brand
Two decades later, EF offers a wide
range of language learning, educational touring, and cultural exchange
programs. EF's logo is redesigned to unify its growing number of
services under one global brand.
Olympic sponsorship
EF becomes the Official Language School
of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, training volunteers in German and
French. Two decades later, EF serves the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and
in 2014, the Sochi Games.
Au pair exchanges
EF establishes the Culture Care Au Pair
program, a U.S. Government-approved au pair exchange program allowing
young adults worldwide the opportunity to provide intercultural
childcare in the homes of American families.
New technologies: The final decade of the 20th century
heralds the invention of two important technologies: the personal
computer and the internet. While we continue to expand our experiential
learning programs, we also launch a new business unit to capitalize on
the enormous potential of computer-based learning tools, games and
Adult tours
EF adapts its Educational Tour concept
for North American adults. The program is renamed Go Ahead Tours when it
rapidly expands to include educational itineraries to all seven
continents, including North America.
New growth: With the advent of social media, instant messaging, and mobile apps in the new millennium, the need to communicate in one common language – English – grows exponentially. So does the need for educational curricula that recognize how interconnected and multicultural the world has grown. EF rises to the challenge by entering higher education – both at the high school and university level.
Educational software
EF partners with Apple to collaborate on
computer-aided language learning initiatives. EF's innovative language
learning CD-ROM Planet Arizona is recognized for at the IDF awards for
Best Software Product. This educational research unit becomes known as
EF Labs.
Online language learning
EF Labs launches Englishtown.com, an
innovative online language school featuring around-the-clock instruction
from live teachers in virtual classrooms. Englishtown.com soon becomes
the world’s largest language school.
Whitbread sponsorship
EF sponsors two boats in the Whitbread
Round the World Race, one of them sailed by the first female crew. The
“EF Language” boat, captained by Paul Cayard, finishes in first place
and captures the cup.
New growth: With the advent of social media, instant messaging, and mobile apps in the new millennium, the need to communicate in one common language – English – grows exponentially. So does the need for educational curricula that recognize how interconnected and multicultural the world has grown. EF rises to the challenge by entering higher education – both at the high school and university level.
Higher education
EF becomes associated with the Arthur D.
Little School of Management. Later renamed to Hult International
Business School, honoring benefactor Bertil Hult’s commitment to
educating global business leaders. Within five years, the Financial
Times adds Hult to its prestigious Top 100 Global MBA rankings.